International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) is a peer- reviewed International Journal with good Citation report to disseminate original research results. IJMRSS is also highly indexed, scholarly open access and fully refereed journal publishing from the family of IRDP Group of Journals. All accepted manuscripts are published in both online and print version. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this Journal. The Journal brings out its quarterly issues from the month of October – December 2014 onwards.
All the submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Members for the suitability, presentation, quality and plagiarism of the article. Then the approved manuscripts are considered for a secondary review. The secondary review of the article is done through a double blinded peer review by the review committee, after the removal of author’s name and contact details to ensure an unbiased review process.
Mission, Vision and Scope
The overall mission of the International Journal of Management Research and Social Science is to create and foster an international forum to focus extremely on theories, methods and applications to promote researches and related activities in a wide spectrum of Social Science and Management.
The vision of IJMRSS is to avail new knowledge and technology for the benefit of all, ranging from academic research, professional communities to industry professionals. It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for high-caliber researchers and scholars to present ongoing research and development.
The scope of the Journal is to serve a diverse readership by publishing articles in a range of topics such as Social Science, Management, Commerce, Economics, History, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Administration, Psychology, Criminology and other Social Sciences.
Copyright Policy
Authors publishing with International Journal of Management Research and Social Science retain the copyright of their work under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license lets others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author(s) for the original creation.
Editorial Policies
The editorial policies of International Journal of Management Research and Social Science are,
- Publication Charges
- Covering Letter
- Open Access
- Confidentiality and Privacy Statements
- Correction and Additions
- Redundant Submissions or Publications
- Publication Ethics
Publication Charges
There is no publication charge.
Covering Letter
At the time of article submission, the corresponding author is required to sign and submit filled covering letter along with the manuscript. It is to ensure the ownership of the author(s) over the article and to transfer publication rights to the International Journal of Management Research and Social Science.
Open Access
The articles published online are open access and so it permits any user to download, print, extract, archive, and distribute the article, so long as appropriate credit is given to the author(s). The abstracting and indexing ensures that the article will be available as widely as possible and that the article can be included on indexed in any scholarly archive.
Confidentiality and Privacy Statements
Editors and Reviewers are required to treat all submitted manuscripts and any information related to the manuscripts with strict confidence. The names and email addresses entered in this journal website will be used exclusively for research related purpose and will not be made available for any other purpose.
Correction and Additions
The responsibility for the content accuracy is lies with the author(s). Any corrections or updates to an article after publishing will not be entertained.
Redundant Submissions or Publications
Redundant submission or publication refers to submitting or publishing the same intellectual material more than once, by the author(s).
While submitting an article, the corresponding author is required to submit a license agreement to indicate that the author(s) do not have a related or duplicate manuscript under consideration, accepted for publication or published elsewhere. Suspected cases of redundant manuscript submission will be handled as per the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.
Publication Ethics
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) as a high standard Journal, follows very strict and rigid Publication Ethics. Authors are expected to be aware of, and comply with, best practice in publication ethics with regard to authorship (avoidance of guest authorship), plagiarism, redundant publication and manipulation of figures.
After submission of signed covering letter by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted.
Editors and Reviewers are required to treat all manuscripts and any information related to the manuscripts fairly and in confidence.