E-Learning: Boon or Bane to Higher Education during COVID-19 at MENA Region

Dr. Sharif Abu Karsh
E-Learning; COVID-19; Bane; Boon; Mena; Impacts of COVID-19.
The sudden effect of the corona pandemic in many nations has seriously harmed the physical, social, and mental well-being and the global economy. Higher education is the bedrock of every nation that the Pandemic has ravaged. The entire educational system has unexpectedly moved to digital, creating a serious challenge for both students and teachers to adapt to. Is it a challenge, a boon, or a bane for counties in the MENA region to have their higher education systems turned upside down? The complexities of online education will be discussed in this report. The study employed qualitative techniques, which were accomplished through desktop review. The result indicates that eLearning is both boon and bane on higher education in countries in the MENA region. As a result, we can conclude that the eLearning education system should be geared up, and internet accessibility in the MENA region should be strengthened.
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Received : 21 February 2021
Accepted : 11 May 2021
Published : 22 May 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82012
