Dr. S. Tephillah Vasantham
Artificial Intelligence; Human Resource Management; Innovation; Human Intelligence.
This paper deals with the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Resource Management (HRM). We can see in the present globalized world, the customary methods of how business is directed are being tested. There could be not, at this point just nearby firms as contenders, yet associations need to contend continually on a worldwide level as innovation is making the world more modest. This infers that for an association to keep awake to date and maintain an upper hand and accepting these new mechanical advancements is critical. HRM includes a wide range of viewpoints, like preparing workers, enrollment, representative relations, and the advancement of the association. People fill in as a wellspring of information and ability which each association can and should draw on. Hence, obtaining and holding these kinds of workers through enrollment assume a major part today. Because of the significance Human Resource (HR) has for the association, the enrollment interaction by which all this asset is acquired is the way to progress. The enlistment cycle used to be longer and take a lot of time and suggest a lot of administrative works for the spotters, anyway this has as of now gradually began to change with online enrollment getting normal. This paper deals with the various applications and the advantages of implementing Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource management.
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[2] Acikgoz, Y. (2019). “Employee recruitment and job search: Towards a multi-level integration”. Human resource management review, 29, 1-13
[3] Bibi, P., Pangil, F., & Johari, J. (2016). HRM practices and employees’ retention: the perspective of job embeddedness theory. Asian Journal of multidisciplinary study, 4(5), 41-47
[4] Beattie, G. & Johnson, P. (2012) Possible unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion and the need to promote equality. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 16:1, 7-13
[5] Ambrose, M., & Kulik, C. (1993). Old friends, new faces: motivation research in the 1990’s Journal of management. 25(3), 231-292.
[6] Walsh, David. 2017. Employment Law for Human Resource Practice. Mason, Ohio: South-Western.
[7] Spielkamp, Michael. 2017. Inspecting Algorithms for Bias. MIT Technology Review. June 12. /607955/inspecting-algorithms-for- bias/
[8] Pfeffer, Jeffrey and Robert I. Sutton. 2006. Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management. Harvard Business Review Press.
[9] Meyer, David. 2018. Amazon Reportedly Killed an AI Recruitment System Because It Couldn’t Stop the Tool from Discriminating Against Women. Fortune. October 10th. 2018/10/10/amazon-ai-recruitment-bias-women-sexist/
[10] Lind, E. Allan and Kees Van den Bos. 2002. “When Fairness Works: Toward a General Theory of Uncertainty Management.” Research in Organizational Behavior 24: 181-223.
[11] Dietvorst, B. J., Simmons, J. P., & Massey, C. (2016). Overcoming algorithm aversion: People will use imperfect algorithms if they can (even slightly) modify them. Management Science, 64(3), 1155-1170.
[12] Adler, Paul and Bryan Boris. 1996. “Two Types of Bureaucracy: Enabling and Coercive.” Administrative Science Quarterly 41: 61-89.
[13] Pfeffer, Jeffrey and Robert I. Sutton. 2006. Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management. Harvard Business Review Press.
[14] Stone, Peter. 2011 The Luck of the Draw: The Role of Lotteries in Decision Making. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[15] Rousseau, Denise (Editor). 2014. The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Management. Oxford University Press.
Received : 12 March 2021
Accepted : 20 May 2021
Published : 26 May 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v8.i2.2021.82013