Three New Models for Ranking of Candidates In the Preferential Voting Systems

Mohammad Azadfallah
Voting Systems; Markov Chain Model; Borda’s Function; TOPSIS with Interval Data; Ordinal Preference; Ranking of Candidates Problems
Election is the main challenge to the political and social science. In the meantime, in the literature, several methods to decide the winner of elections have been proposed; theoretically there is no reason to be limited to these models. Hence, in this paper, we assume three new approaches (1. election result prediction by pre-election preference information using Markov chain model [to identify the efficient electoral strategy for each candidate]. 2. Improved Borda’s function method using the weights of decision makers [or voters]. And 3. A new interval TOPSIS-based approach applying ordinal set of preferences [so, data is ordinal form that first convert to interval value and then inject them into the conventional interval TOPSIS model]) for ranking candidates in voting systems. Ultimately, three numerical examples in social choice context are given to depict the feasibility and practability of the proposed methods. In sum, this paper suggests a mind line for decreasing the wrong choice winner risks correlated with voting systems.
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Received : 17 January 2021
Accepted : 24 April 2021
Published : 01 May 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82009
