Nurita Andriani
Product Quality; Gold Store; Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction; Word of Mouth; WOM.
This study aims to analyze the influence of gold goods quality and service quality on WOM (Word of Mouth) by using consumer satisfaction as a variable mediator (intervening) study at Mirage Jewellery Gold Shop. The quality of gold goods is a consideration for consumers in making purchases at Mirage Jewellery Gold Shop. Respondents in this study were consumers who made transactions at Mirage Jewellery Gold Store. The analysis method used is Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis that is run with AMOS program. Hypothetical test results with SEM indicate that 1. The quality of gold goods has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction, 2. The quality of service has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, 3. Consumer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on WOM4.The quality of service positively influenced WOM’s study on Mirage Gold Jewellery Stores.
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[2] Anderson, E. W. (2008). Customer Satisfaction and WOM.Service Research, 1(1), 5–17.
[3] Anita. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Gold Precious Metals Investments with Shares of Mining Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2014, 5(2), 243–252.
[4] Asteria, D. K. (2018). Jewelry Rings Become Young People’s Choice. Retrieved from /read/ 20180417/104/785535/perhiasan-
[5] Athiyah, L.(2016).Product’s Quality and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction Afield study inDiwaniyah Dairy Factory. Proceedings of the 10th International Management Conference, 57–65. Retrieved from F/1_7.pdf
[6] Bahri- ammari, N. (2012). Effect of Loyalty Quality On Word Program – Recommendations -Mouthintentions,6(1), 619–628.
[7] Bharwana, T. K., & Mohsin, M. (2013).Impact of Service Quality on Customers’ Satisfaction: A Study from Service Sector especially Private Colleges of .International Journal of Scientific and ResearchPublications,3(5), 1–7. j.geoderma. 2012.02.011
[8] Chaniotakis, I. E., & Lymperopoulos, C. (2009). Service quality effecton satisfaction and word of mouth in the health care industry. Managing Service Quality,19(2), 229–242. 10.1108/09604520910943206
[9] Febrian, A. (2018). Gold Bars Sell Sweet, How Gold Jewelry? Kontan. Co.Id. Retrieved from bars-bestselling-sweet-how-demand-gold-jewelry
[10] Ferdinand, A. (2013). Management Research Method. Semcharcoal: The Publishing Body of Diponegoro University.
[11] Imam, G. (2013).Multivariate Analysis Application with SPSS Program. Semarang: Diponegoro University Publishing Board.
[12] Kotler, P. (2009).Marketing Management. (Erlangga, Ed.).jakarta.
[13] Kusnandar, R. (2010). CFig Smart Gardening Gold.jakarta: Trans Media Library.
[14] Leonnard, S.,Comm, M., & Thung, F. (2021). The relationship of service quality, word-of-mouth, and repurchase intention in online transportation services. Journal of Process Management. New Technologies,5(4), 30–40.
[15] Muhammad Awan, H., Shahzad Bukhari, K., & Iqbal, A. (2011). Service quality and customer satisfaction in the banking sector: A comparative study of conventional and Islamic banks in Pakistan. JournalofIslamicMarketing,2(3), 203–224.
[16] Muhammad Tahir Jan, Kalthom Abdullah:,& Ali Shafiq. (2013). The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Word-of-Mouth. International Journal of Information Technology&ComputerScience,10(3), 10.
[17] Mulyanto. (2021). The Influenceof Product Quality, Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty (Case Study PT ABCTbk).International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,8(7), 2330–2336.
[18] Ngo, M. V., &Nguyen,H. H. (2016). The Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Investigation in Vietnamese Retail Banking Sector. Journal of Competitiveness, 8(2), 103–116.
[19] Novalius, F. (2021). Buy Taxable Gold, Antam Sales Do Not Fall. Okezone.Com Retrieved from https://economy. read/2021 /10/06/320/1789885/beli-emas-kena- tax-antam-call-sales-not-down
[20] Service, H. K., & Purchased, D. A. N. (2021). Relationship quality service, said- ofmouth, and purchased kembali intention in online transportation services,5(4), 30-40.
[21] Product, K.,Impact,D. A. N.,& Satisfaction,T. (2016). Study of the importance of Research Assumptions There is a link with statistical indications between product quality and external customer satisfaction there is a relationship, 57–65.
[22] Taghizadeh, H.,Taghipourian,M. J., &Khazaei,A. (2013). The effect of customer satisfaction on word of mouth communication. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(8), 2569–2575.
Received : 04 February 2021
Accepted : 19 April 2021
Published : 30 April 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82008