Innovation Inclusion in Distance Learning: Exploratory Study of Teacher Innovation for Student with Disabilities

Miftakhur Rohmah, Sri Susanti Tjahja Dini,A Jauhar Fuad
Teacher Innovation; Distance Learning; Student with disabilities.
Distance learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many educational institutions to shift to online learning. However, students with disabilities may face unique challenges when learning remotely. In this exploratory study, we explore the role of teacher innovation in promoting inclusion for students with disabilities in distance learning. Using a qualitative approach, we conducted interviews with teachers who had experience teaching students with disabilities in a distance learning environment. Our findings suggest that teacher innovation plays a critical role in promoting inclusion for these students. Teachers who were innovative in their approaches to teaching were better able to engage students with disabilities and create a more inclusive learning environment. We also identified several key factors that contribute to teacher innovation in distance learning. These factors include the use of technology, collaboration with other teachers and professionals, and a willingness to try new approaches to teaching. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of innovation inclusion in distance learning for students with disabilities. By being innovative in their approaches to teaching, teachers can help to ensure that students with disabilities are able to learn effectively and achieve their academic goals. This has important implications for the future of distance learning and the inclusion of students with disabilities in online education.
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Received : 17February2023
Accepted : 09June2023
Published :13June 2023
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v10.i2.2023.10201
