Usha Devi .M, Dr.A.Marimuthu, Dr.S.Santhana Megala
Bipartite Graph; Maximum Cardinality Matching; Maximum and Minimum; Donor-Recipient Matching
A matching of set of pairs or parameters between donor to recipient is considered as important for liver transplantation. By using the maximum and minimum matching able to find out the exact or relevant parameters between the donors to recipient matching. Divide the set of parameters as donor sets and recipient sets using bipartite graph. Donor to Recipient Hopcroft Karp matching used for the final relevant pair of matching between the donors to recipient. Each set of parameters is assign as nodes for the donor to recipient set of pairs. Bipartite graph visualization shows the important donor to recipient matching.
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[2] World Health Organization. “Updated recommendations on first-line and second-line antiretroviral regimens and post-exposure prophylaxis and recommendations on early infant diagnosis of HIV” 2018. Available at
[3] United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. “Explainer on Undetectable equals Untransmittable” Public health and HIV viral load suppression. 2018. Available at default/files/media_asset/undetectable-untransmittable_en.pdf
[4] Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria. National AIDS and STIs Control Programme. “National Guidelines for HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care” 2020.
[5] World Health Organization. Consolidated Guidelines on the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection in Clinical Guidelines: Antiretroviral Therapy. A framework for voluntary medical male circumcision: effective HIV prevention and a gateway to improved adolescent boys’ & men’s health in Eastern and Southern Africa by 2021. 2016. Available at
[6] World Health Organization. “Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection: recommendations for a public health approach” 2nd ed. 2016. Available at publications/ i/ item/ 9789241549684.
[7] World Health Organization. Guidelines on HIV self-testing and partner notification: supplement to the consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. 2016. Available athttps://apps.who. int/iris/ handle/10665/251655
[8] U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief 3.0. Controlling the Epidemic: Delivering on the Promise of an AIDS-free Generation. 2014.
[9] World Health Organization. “Recommendation of dolutegravir as preferred HIV treatment option in all populations”. 2019. Available at
[10] Chindo Ibrahim Bisallah, Michael Ochigbo Onyilo, Muhammad AbubakarAmali, Bilkisu Sulaiman,Yahaya Mohammed Katagum, Tijani Salami&Aishatu. Effectiveness of Dolutegravir (DTG), an HIV integrase inhibitorinimproving viral load suppression among HIV-infected treatment-experienced patients in General Hospital Minna, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). Aug. 2020, PP 27-32.
[11] Gedefaw Diress , Samuel Dagne , Birhan Alemnew , Seteamlak Adane & Amanuel Addisu.Viral Load Suppression after Enhanced Adherence Counseling and Its Predictors among High Viral Load HIV Seropositive People in North Wollo Zone Public Hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia, 2019: Retrospective Cohort Study. AIDS Res Treat. April 2020; 2020:8909232. Available athttps://www.hindawi. com /journals/art/2020/8909232/
Received : 02 August 2022
Accepted : 20 June 2023
Published : 29 June 2023
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v10.i2.2023.102002