A. Kavitha
Artificial Intelligence; Agriculture; Deep Learning; Medicine; Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing; Robotics.
Nowadays Artificial intelligence makes our life easy and comfortable that is hard to imagine that to survive our life without AI technology. We all know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a precious gift to human being. Recently it is used in robotics, education, agriculture, computer vision, cyber security, face recognition, speech recognition, self-driving cars, medical image processing, biometrics, bioinformatics, satellite control, disease detection, drugs development, network developments, manufacturing, business,healthcare and medicine. In the digital era AI provides the best results in all most all the domains. This article helps to understand the emerging aspects of AI in various fields.
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[10] Jinjiang Wang, Yulin Ma, Laibin Zhang, Robert X.Gao, Dazhong Wu, “Deep Learning for Smart Manufacturing: Methods and Applications”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, pp.144–156, 2018.
Received :27June2021
Accepted :20 September 2021
Published :30 September 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v8.i3.2021.83020