Power Factor Penalty; Time of Day Tariff; Demand and Energy Charges
Medical Imaging has remoulded the Healthcare system. It has become a vital tool for rapid diagnosis with visualisation of the interior of the body. Telemedicine is that the remote delivery of healthcare services over the telecommunication infrastructure. This paper aims at providing security to the medical images transmitted over public networks. It addresses the following traits of Medical Image Security namely: Confidentiality, Patient’s control, Data Integrity and Consent Exception .The objective of the paper roots on providing theoretical ideas by combining Watermarking schemes with Cryptography techniques for developing enhanced security algorithms for transaction of medical images. The various parameters used for the measurement of the performance and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms such as Entropy, Number of Pixel Change Rate, Unified Average Change in Intensity, Correlation Coefficient, Mean Squared Error and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio are discussed. This paper provides a road map in constructing new algorithm by combining cryptography and watermarking technique for secure transaction of medical.
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[20] Sharp .T (2001).An implementation of key based digital signal steganography,Proc.4th International workshop on Information Hiding ,Vol. 2137, pp.13-26.
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[22] Srinivasan,Y., B.Nutter, S. Mitra, B.Phillips and D.Ferris (2004). Secure transmission of medical record using high capacity steganography,Proc. 17th IEEE symposium on computer based medical systems, pp. 122-212.
[23] Turner, L.F., (1989), Digital Data Security System, Patent IPN, WO 89/08915.
[24] Wei,X., L.Guo , Q.Zhang , J.Zhang and S.Lian (2012).A novel color image encryption algorithm based on DNA sequence operation and hyper-chaotic system, J.System and Software,Vol.85, pp.290-299.
[25] Zhou, X.Q., H.K. Huang and S.L. Lou (2001).Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 20, pp. 784-791.
[2] Abdullah, A.H., R. Enayatifar and M. Lee (2012). A hybrid encryption algorithm and chaotic function model for image encryption,AEU Int. J. Electron Commun., Vol.66, pp. 806-816.
[3] Acharya, U.R., P.S.Bhat, S.Jumar and L.Min (2003). Transmission and storage of medical images with patient information, J.Comp.Biol.Med.Vol.33, pp. 303-310.
[4] Acharya,R., U.C.Niranjan, S.S.Iyengar, N.Kannathal and L.C Min (2004).Simultaneous storage of patient information with medical images in the frequency domain, J. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.,Vol.76,pp.13-19.
[5] Bouslimi, D., G.Coatrieux and C.Roux (2012). A joint encryption / watermarking algorithm for verifying thereliability of medical images: application to echographic images, J. Comput. Methods Prog. Biomed, Vol.106,pp.47-54.
[6] Cao, H.K., Huang and X.Q. Zhou (2003). Medical image security in a HIPAA mandated PACS environment, J.Comput.Med.Imaging Graphics, Vol. 27, pp. 185-196.
[7] Chao, H.M., C.M. Hsu and S.G. Miaou (2002). A data-hiding technique with authentication, integration, and confidentiality for electronic patients records, IEEE Transactions Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 6,pp. 46-53.
[8] Cheng,S., Q.Wu and K.R.Castleman (2005).Non-ubiquitous digital watermarking for record indexing and integrity protection of medical images, Proc. of ICIP, Vol. 2, pp. 1062-1065.
[9] Coatrieux.G., H.Maitre,B.Sankur,Y.Rolland and R.Collorec (2000).Relevance of watermarking in medical imaging,Proc. of IEEE-EMBS Conference on Information Technology Application in Biomedicine, Arlington,VA, pp. 250-255.
[10] Farina, M., K. Deb and P. Amota (2004).Dynamic mutli-objective optimization problems test cases, approximation and applications, IEEE Transaction Evolutionary Computations, Vol. 8, pp.425-442.
[11] FrankY.Shih and Yi-Ta Wu (2005). Enhancement of image watermark retrieval based on genetic algorithms,Elsevier journal of visual communication and visual representation, Vol.16, pp.115-133.
[12] Fridrich,J., ,M.Goljan and R.Du (2001). Invertible authentication, Proc.SPIE Proc. on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, pp.23-26.
[13] Giakoumaki,A., S.Pavlopoulos and D.Koutsouris (2003).A medical image watermarking scheme based on wavelet transform,Proc. 25th Annual Int.Conf. of the IEEE EMBS ,Vol.1, pp 856-859.
[14] Hernandez.J.R., and F. Pérez-González (1999).Statistical analysis of watermarking schemes for copyright protection of images,Proc. IEEE Special Issue Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information, Vol. 87, pp. 1142-1166.
[15] Luo,X., Q.Chenag and J.Tan (2003).A lossless data embedding scheme for medical images in application of e-diagnosis,Proc. 25th Annual Int. Conf. of the IEEE EMBS, Vol.1, pp. 852-855.
[16] Leier,A., C.Richter, W.Banzhaf and H.Rauhe (1997). Cryptography with DNA binary stands, J.of BioSystems, Vol.57,pp.9-22.
[17] Nayak,J., P.S.Bhat, M.S.Kumar and R.Acharya (2004).Reliable transmission and storage of medical images with patient information using error control codes,Proc.of IEEE Indicon, pp. 147-150.
[18] Pareek,N.K.,Vinod Patidar and K.K.Sud (2006).Image encryption using chaotic logistic map, Elsevier Image and Vision Computing, Vol.24, pp.926-934.
[19] Rabil,B.S., R.Sabourin, E.Granger (2010). Intelligent watermarking with multi objective population based incremental learning,IEEE International conference on intelligent information hiding and multimedia signal processing (IIH-MSP), Darmsdt, Germany, pp. 131-134.
[20] Sharp .T (2001).An implementation of key based digital signal steganography,Proc.4th International workshop on Information Hiding ,Vol. 2137, pp.13-26.
[21] Shih,F.Y., and Y.Ta Wu (2005) .Robust watermarking and compression for medical images based on genetic algorithms, Journal of Information sciences ,Vol.175, No. 3, pp. 200-216.
[22] Srinivasan,Y., B.Nutter, S. Mitra, B.Phillips and D.Ferris (2004). Secure transmission of medical record using high capacity steganography,Proc. 17th IEEE symposium on computer based medical systems, pp. 122-212.
[23] Turner, L.F., (1989), Digital Data Security System, Patent IPN, WO 89/08915.
[24] Wei,X., L.Guo , Q.Zhang , J.Zhang and S.Lian (2012).A novel color image encryption algorithm based on DNA sequence operation and hyper-chaotic system, J.System and Software,Vol.85, pp.290-299.
[25] Zhou, X.Q., H.K. Huang and S.L. Lou (2001).Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 20, pp. 784-791.
Received : 20 January 2020
Accepted : 27 June 2020
Published : 26 July 2020
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i3.2020.73014