Preeti Gupta, Udai Pratap Singh
Biometrics; Higher Education; Attendance; Students; Faculty Member
The higher education system in India has developed in a remarkable way, particularly during the post-independence phase, to become one of the largest systems of its kind in the world. Education plays an essential role in our lives and when it comes to higher learning institutes, i.e. colleges and universities. It is very important to attend each and every class for students and teachers. Old fashioned college attendance is not quite sufficient today to keep track on students and faculty member. Biometric attendance system is a perfect technology to ensure the accuracy of attendance and is useful to the ones who deal with large number of students, teachers and employees. Biometric attendance machine captures unique physical feature such as iris, face or fingerprint pattern and sometimes, for identity confirmation your voice is used as a records and allows you to perform something that you are endorsed to do. Educational institutions and organisations are implementing biometric systems to improve the overall infrastructure. The requirement for biometrics systems is already widespread owing to the stable digital infrastructure. This paper is an attempt to highlight the biometric attendance system for higher education. It focuses on a system for developing biometric attendance. This system allows us to speed up the method of taking attendance and to save our valuable teaching time. Several students bunk classes but manage their attendance with the help of their friends and classmates. With the help of biometric attendance system bunking classes have become tricky for the students and faculty members. Advantages of biometrics attendance system in higher education are discussed in this discourse.
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[2] Kawaguchi, Y. and Shoji, T.: 2014. “Face Recognition-based Lecture Attendance System [accessed Dec 01 2017].
[3] M. Mattam, Karumuri, S. R. M. and Meda, S. R. : 2012. “Architecture for Automated Student Attendance,” in Proc. IEEE Fourth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2012), pp.164-167, 18-20 July, doi: 10.1109/T4E.2012.39.
[4] Miller, B. : 1994. “Vital Signs of Identity,” IEEE Spectrum, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 22-30.
[5] Obansola, O. Y., Makinde, O. E., Adeshina, A. H., Adebayo, O. B.: 2016. “Development of Staff Attendance Management System using Fingerprint Biometric Identification Technique” Greener Journal of Science, Engineering and Technological Research, , 6 (3): 055-069.
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[7] https: // www. creatrixcampus. Com / blog / top – 10 – advantages -automated-student-attendance-system [accessed Dec 03 2017].
[8] https: // www. Uniindia . com / biometric – attendance – in – all – schools -colleges-of…/850137.html [accessed Dec 01 2017].
Accepted : 20 December 2020
Published : 29 December 2020
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i4.2020.74016