Anitabh Kakoty, Dr. Ratan Kaurinta
Small Tea Growers; Growth, Socio Economic Impact; Institutional Role; Market Scenario.
The growing prominence of small tea growers in the tea producing landscape has an overwhelming effect on the decision of its raw material or green tea leaf. The small tea growers also have an inclusive role to ignite the entrepreneurship in the people who were outside its orbit. The transition which is taking place due to growing numbers of small tea growers to the quality of life and overall day to day economic activity is immense. The role of the institutions and market scenario is also changing due to changes in overall organizational growth. However the study in intended to unveil the contribution of small tea growers in a multidimensional approach.
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[2] Bora, Kaberi., Hazarika, Kakali., (2013).Small Tea Cultivation in the Process of Self Employment: A Study on the Indigenous People of Assam (India).International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences,Vol3, No.2.
[3] Das, Kalyan.(2014),The Tea Smallholdings of Assam Guwahati: DVS Publishers.
[4] Hannan, Abdul.,(2019).Farm Size and Trade Relations of Small Tea Growers(STGs) in Assam and North Bengal. Social Change and Development.Vol.16.No.2
[5] Hardiyana,Aan.,Yusup,Maulana.,S idharta,Iwan, (2015). Work and Commitment on Employee Satisfaction. Study on Non–Ministerial Government Agencies in Bandung Indonesia. Retrieved from on 21st of April, 2021.
[6] Hayami, Yujiro.,Nayar,Appukuttan Damodaran.,(2004). Towards an Alternative Agrarian Reform: Tea Plantations in South Africa. Economic and Political Weekly.39 (36)
[7] Kumar, Ajay. (1998). Financial Performance of Tea Co-operatives in Himachal Pradesh_ a case study of Kangra district [Doctoraal dissertation, Himachal Pradesh University]. Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET. https://shodhganga.
[8] Mishra, K, Deepak.,Upadhyay,Vandana., Sarma ,Atul., (2012), Unfolding Crisis in Assam’s Tea Plantation. New Delhi: Routledge Publishers.
[9] Petro, Putsentilo., Yuriy, Klapkiv., Vitali, Karpenko &I rina, Gvo Decka., (2020). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 26(1), pp-23-33.
[10] Renko, M.,Shrader, & R.C., Simon, M., (2012).Perception of entrepreneurial opportunity :a general framework .Manage. Decis.. 50.1233-12.
[11] Sarma , Kumar, Chandan and Baruah, Prarthana. (2017).’Small Tea Plantation and Its Impact on the Rural Landscape of Contemporary Assam. International Journal of Rural Management, Vol. 13(2), pp.140-161.
[12] Tea Board of India Reports, Retrieved from on 21st of April, 2021.
[13] Statistical Handbook of Assam, Retrieved from on 21st of April, 2021.
Received : 13 February 2022
Accepted : 14 June 2022
Published : 21 June 2022
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v9.i2.2022.92002