Financial Distress; Company Size; Institutional Ownership; Tax Avoidance.
This paper assesses the effect of financial distress, business size, and institutional ownership affect tax avoidances in the Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Manufacturing Industry Registered at Listed Indonesia Stock Exchange Companies, IDX in 2016-2020. With a quantitative analysis approach, this study finds that the financial distress affects tax avoidance due to the decline in financial condition as experienced by the company. The right of large companies has a tendency to maintain its image to the public so that they will try to comply with the terms of tax payments. Meanwhile, corporate ownership has no influence on tax avoidance due to pressure on owners to implement aggressive tax policies in order to increase profits.
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[7] Fransissco Situmorang, S., &Amp; Maxum, A. (2019). The Effect Of Tax Examiination, Tax Administration Sanctions, Understanding Taxation, And Tax Employment (Tax Amnesty) On Compulsory Tax Compliance Personal At Kpp Pratama Medan Polonia. In Internatiional Journal of Publiic Budgeting, Accounting and Finance.
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[17] Nilayanti, M., &Suaryana, I. G. N. A. (2019). Effect of Managerial Ownership and Institutional Ownership on Kiinerja Keuanggan Company With Dividend Policy as Pemoderassi. E-Jurnal Accounting. https://doi.orgg/10.24843/ejaa.2019.v26.i02.p03
[18] Nugroho, &Agustiia, D. (2018). Corporrate governance, tax avoidance, and fiirm value. AFEBI Accounting Review, 2(2), 15-29.
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[23] Rahayu, D., &Rusliati, E. (2019). Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, and Company Size Against DiviidenPolicy. Riiset Journal of Contemporary Accounting.
[24] Sabaruddin, S. S. (2017). Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy Deftly Clustering The Purpose of Indonesia’s Export Market: Traditional Market vs Non-Traditional Market. Journal of Scientific International Relations. 05- 219
[25] Saputra, M., Nadirsyah, &Hanifah, H. (2017). The Influence of Ownership Structures, Fiinancial Distress, and Tax Loss Carry Forward on Tax Avoidancee ( Study on Manufacturing Company Liisted in Indonesia Stock Exchange ). Journal of Resources Development and Management.
[26] Septifany, A. (2015). Analysis Of The Influence Of Inflation, Interest Rates, Rupiah Exchange Rate Andforeign Exchange Reserves On Foreign Investment In Indonesia (Study on Bank Indonesia Periiode Year 2006-2014). Journal of Admiinistrasi Bisniis S1 Universitass Brawijaya. Sonia, S., & Suparrmun, H. (2019). Factorrs Influenciing Tax Avoidance. htttps://
[27] Sugiiyono. (2009). Quantitative, Quarative and R&D Research Methods. Alffabeta. Suroto, S., & Nugraha, C. A. (2019). Effect of Corrporate Social Responsibility
[28] Disclosures and Fiinancial Information Agaiinst Abnormal Return (Empiriical studies on food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing Companiies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchangge for the period 2013 – 2017). Media Economics And Management.
[29] Susanty, A. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility, Good Corporrate Governance,and Corporate Size To Financial Performance in Manufacturing Companies. STIE Perbanas Surabaya.
[30] Law No. 20 of 2008. (2008). About: Business, Micro, Small and Boasting. Secretarial State. Jakarta.
[31] Vaccaro, Jansen, van den Bosch, F. A. J., &Volberda, H. W. (2012). Management innovatiion and leadership:The moderating role of organizaational size. Journal of Management Studies.
[32] Wang, Xu,S., Sun, J., &Culliinan, C. P. (2020). Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Literature Review And Research Agenda. Journall of Economiic Surveys.
[33] Wen, W., Cui, H., &Ke, Y. (2020). Diirectors with foreiign experience and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Corporate Finance.
[34] Zulkarnaen, W., Fitriani, I., &Yuningsih, N. (2020). Development of Supply Chain Management In The Management of Distribution Logistics Elections More Precise Type, Exact Number And On Time Based Human Resources Competency Development In KPU West Java. Scientific Journal of MEA (Management, Economics, & Accounting), 4(2), 222-243. pp 222-243.
[2] Avianita, H., &Fitria, A. (2020). Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Against Tax Avoidance. Journal of Science And Accounting Research.
[3] Chan, S. W., Ahmad, M. F., Zaman, I., &Ko, W. S. (2018). Employers’ perception on importannt employyability skills in the manufacturiing industriy. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE).
[4] Clausiing, K. A., Saez, &Zuchman, G. (2020). Ending Corporate Tax Avoiddance and Tax Comppetition:A Plans to Collect the Tax Deficit of Multinationals. SSSRN Electronic Journal.
[5] Dewiinta &Setiawan, P. E. (2016). Influence of company size, company age, profitability, leverage,and sales growth on tax avoiidancee. E- Accounting Journal of Udayana University, 14(3), 1584–1613.
[6] Dirvi Surya Abbas, &Arry Eksandy. (2 021). Intellectual Capital Foods And Beverage Sub-Sector Manufacturing Companiies And The Factorrs. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management.
[7] Fransissco Situmorang, S., &Amp; Maxum, A. (2019). The Effect Of Tax Examiination, Tax Administration Sanctions, Understanding Taxation, And Tax Employment (Tax Amnesty) On Compulsory Tax Compliance Personal At Kpp Pratama Medan Polonia. In Internatiional Journal of Publiic Budgeting, Accounting and Finance.
[8] Ichsanii, S., &Susantii . N. (2019). The effect of fiirm value, leverage, profiitabillity and company size on taxs avoidance in companies liisted on index LQ45 period 2012-2016. Globall Business and Management Research: AnInternational Journal.
[9] Irianto, D.B. S., &s.Ak, A. W. (2017). The Influennce of Profiitability, Leverage, Firm Sizes and Capital Intensity Towarrds Tax Avoidance. Internatiional Journal of Accountiing and Taxation.
[10] Jannah, &Khoiruddin, M. (2017). The Role of Fiinancial Diistress Mediates Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership of Share Returns. Manageement Analysiss Journal.
[11] Jiang, Zheng, H., &Wang, R. (2021). The effeect of institutional ownershipp on listted companies’ tax avoiidance strategiies. Applied Economicss, 53(8), 880–896.
[12] Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.
[13] Ministry of Industry Republiik Indonesia. (2018). Sector -FlagshipManufacturing Sector of 2018. Ministry of Industry Republiik Indonesia.
[14] Khann,Sriniivasan,S., &Tan (2017). Institutional ownershipp and corporate tax avoidance:New eviidence. Accounting Review.
[15] Kovermann, J., &Velte, P. (2019). The impacts of corporrate governance on coriiporate tax avoidanceance—A literature reviiew. Journal of Initernational Accounting, Auditiing and Taxation.
[16] Lashkarripour, A. (2020). Can Trade Taxes be a Major Sources of Government Revenue? Journal of the European Economi cc Association.
[17] Nilayanti, M., &Suaryana, I. G. N. A. (2019). Effect of Managerial Ownership and Institutional Ownership on Kiinerja Keuanggan Company With Dividend Policy as Pemoderassi. E-Jurnal Accounting. https://doi.orgg/10.24843/ejaa.2019.v26.i02.p03
[18] Nugroho, &Agustiia, D. (2018). Corporrate governance, tax avoidance, and fiirm value. AFEBI Accounting Review, 2(2), 15-29.
[19] Oats &Tuck, P. (2019). Corporrate tax avoidance: is tax transparency the solution? Accounting and Business Research.
[20] Ozdemir, (2020). Board diversity and fiirm performannce in the U.S.tourism sector:The effect of institutional ownersip. International Journal of Hospiitality Management. j.ijhhmm.2020.102693
[21] The Influence of Fiinancial Diistress And Good Corrporate Goverrnance On Tax Avoiidance Practices On M Anuffaktur Companies. (2017). Diponegoro Journal of Accountiing.
[22] Princess &Son, B. I. (2017). Leverage, Profitability, Company Size And Proportion Of Institutional Ownership Against Tax Avoidance. Journal of Manajeemen Dayasaing. httpss:// dayasaiing.v19i1.5100
[23] Rahayu, D., &Rusliati, E. (2019). Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, and Company Size Against DiviidenPolicy. Riiset Journal of Contemporary Accounting.
[24] Sabaruddin, S. S. (2017). Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy Deftly Clustering The Purpose of Indonesia’s Export Market: Traditional Market vs Non-Traditional Market. Journal of Scientific International Relations. 05- 219
[25] Saputra, M., Nadirsyah, &Hanifah, H. (2017). The Influence of Ownership Structures, Fiinancial Distress, and Tax Loss Carry Forward on Tax Avoidancee ( Study on Manufacturing Company Liisted in Indonesia Stock Exchange ). Journal of Resources Development and Management.
[26] Septifany, A. (2015). Analysis Of The Influence Of Inflation, Interest Rates, Rupiah Exchange Rate Andforeign Exchange Reserves On Foreign Investment In Indonesia (Study on Bank Indonesia Periiode Year 2006-2014). Journal of Admiinistrasi Bisniis S1 Universitass Brawijaya. Sonia, S., & Suparrmun, H. (2019). Factorrs Influenciing Tax Avoidance. htttps://
[27] Sugiiyono. (2009). Quantitative, Quarative and R&D Research Methods. Alffabeta. Suroto, S., & Nugraha, C. A. (2019). Effect of Corrporate Social Responsibility
[28] Disclosures and Fiinancial Information Agaiinst Abnormal Return (Empiriical studies on food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing Companiies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchangge for the period 2013 – 2017). Media Economics And Management.
[29] Susanty, A. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility, Good Corporrate Governance,and Corporate Size To Financial Performance in Manufacturing Companies. STIE Perbanas Surabaya.
[30] Law No. 20 of 2008. (2008). About: Business, Micro, Small and Boasting. Secretarial State. Jakarta.
[31] Vaccaro, Jansen, van den Bosch, F. A. J., &Volberda, H. W. (2012). Management innovatiion and leadership:The moderating role of organizaational size. Journal of Management Studies.
[32] Wang, Xu,S., Sun, J., &Culliinan, C. P. (2020). Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Literature Review And Research Agenda. Journall of Economiic Surveys.
[33] Wen, W., Cui, H., &Ke, Y. (2020). Diirectors with foreiign experience and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Corporate Finance.
[34] Zulkarnaen, W., Fitriani, I., &Yuningsih, N. (2020). Development of Supply Chain Management In The Management of Distribution Logistics Elections More Precise Type, Exact Number And On Time Based Human Resources Competency Development In KPU West Java. Scientific Journal of MEA (Management, Economics, & Accounting), 4(2), 222-243. pp 222-243.
Received : 11 March 2021
Accepted : 21 May 2021
Published : 28 May 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82014