Study on Social and Demographic Factors Association with Food Choice in Gujarat

Gautam Parmar and Raju M Rathod
Food Choice; Food Preference; Social and Demographic Factors; Association with Food Choice; Factors Affecting Food Choice
Food is an important for human life and source to growth and activities. The food choice and food buying behaviour is complex. There are varieties of factors affects to the food choice such as social, demographic, economic, personal etc. The present study aims to understand the social and demographic association with food choice. To fulfill the objectives descriptive research design was employed and cross sectional data from the Gujarat regions were obtained through questionnaire. The 200 respondents were surveyed and the collected data were analysed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA. The study found that freshness is most influencing factor followed by price for food choice. There is significant difference found for rural and urban for freshness, availability, occasion, and tradition. The significant difference found for freshness and taste across age groups. For price, freshness, taste and status significant difference were found across education groups.
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Received : 19 December 2019  

Accepted : 12 May 2020

Published : 04 June 2020  

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i2.2020.72005

Study on Social and Demographic Factors Association with Food Choice in Gujarat