Dr. Lakshmi Renganathan
Jig saw Puzzle; Cooperative Teaching and Learning; Effectiveness; Quiz; General Nursing Diploma Students; Academic Level of performance
Background: There are many studies conducted on Cooperative Teaching and Learning methods shows that it improves level of academic performance yet no comparative study has been done among Jigsaw puzzle method.
Methods: Jigsaw Puzzle method is a Cooperative Teaching and Learning method was instituted for II year (162) and III year (127) General Nursing Diploma students. Quasi Experimental one group post-test design was adopted. After imparting jigsaw puzzle method, the quiz was conducted for both the groups at one week interval. Effectiveness of jigsaw was assessed and compared.
Results: The result indicates that the jigsaw puzzle method is effective by improving the all the student’s academic scores. However, the II year student’s performance was better than the III years.
Conclusion: Henceforth, it can be concluded that Jigsaw puzzle is effective for improving the knowledge level of the nurs¬ing students.
Methods: Jigsaw Puzzle method is a Cooperative Teaching and Learning method was instituted for II year (162) and III year (127) General Nursing Diploma students. Quasi Experimental one group post-test design was adopted. After imparting jigsaw puzzle method, the quiz was conducted for both the groups at one week interval. Effectiveness of jigsaw was assessed and compared.
Results: The result indicates that the jigsaw puzzle method is effective by improving the all the student’s academic scores. However, the II year student’s performance was better than the III years.
Conclusion: Henceforth, it can be concluded that Jigsaw puzzle is effective for improving the knowledge level of the nurs¬ing students.
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[2] Bradshaw, M. J. & Arlene, J. L. (2010). Innovative Teaching strategies in Nursing & Related Health Profession, 7th Edition, USA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers LLC.
[3] Brady. &Tsay. (19 Feb2010). Cooperative Learning. Retrieved May 21, 2010,from _ learning cached
[4] Bowles, K. (2000). The relationship of critical thinking skills and the clinical judgment skills of Baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 44, 305-309.
[5] DGET, Mission Statement. Retrieved May 26,2010, from www.…1
[6] Johnson, D. Johnson, R. &Stanne, (2017). Cooperative Learning: Theory, Principles, and Techniques.Retrieved:
[7] Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (2012). An Overview of Cooperative Learning. .Retrieved April 3, 2010 from
[8] Kagon Spencer,. (1994). Cooperative Learning. Retrieved April 23, 2010 from au
[9] OECD – De. Se. Co. (2005). Definition and Selection of Key Competencies. Executive Summary (30 June 2005) Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http:// (August 20, 2008)
[10] Poerksen, B. (2015). Learning how to learn. Kybernetes, 34, 471-484.
[11] Saltymakov, M. S., &Frantcuzskaia, E. O. (2015). Cooperative Learning Approach to Delivering Professional Modules to Bachelor and Master Students: TPU Experience.Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 215(June), 90–97. j.sbspro.2015.11.579
[12] Serafin, C. (2016). The Re-conceptualization of Cooperative Learning in an Inquiry- oriented Teaching, 217, 201–207.
[13] Slavin, R. E. (2014). Cooperative Learning and Academic Achievement: Why Does Group work Work? Anales de Psicología, 30(3), 785–791.
[14] Srisumra, J., Nontamolee, W., &Srijamon, S. (2014). Cooperative Learning Activities in Arts of PrathomSuksa 4 Students KhonKaen University Demonstration School Primary Section ( Modindaeng ). Procedia – Social andBehavioral Sciences, 112(Iceepsy 2013), 677–682.
Received : 03 December 2019
Accepted : 20 May 2020
Published : 04 June 2020
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i2.2020.72003
A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Jigsaw Puzzle Method among General Nursing Diploma Students’ Academic Level of Performance at Oman Nursing Institute, Muscat