Human Rights Violations against Rural Women Workers
Antony Jesu Rajan FSA., Dr.R.Vettriselvan, R.Divyaranjani
Human Rights; Women; Issues; Challenges; Strategies; Violations
Most of the newspapers and periodicals publish about domestic and work place violence against women. Number of incidents were took part against women such as young brides being burnt for bringing ‘insufficient’ dowry, women dyeing in abnormal circumstances, rape on hapless women and molestation of young girls are of public protests by women activists and such protests receive media coverage. Very few women were escape death end up in their shelter homes, but the majorities were continues to live in their marital union and endure abusive behaviour from their relatives. This paper violence against women and some of the best practices being followed in the country to address the menace are being examined. It also highlights paper begins with profiling of Indian women with respect to a few selected socio economic indicators. It highlights the various dimensions of human rights violence against the women, especially culturally sanctioned forms of violence. It suggests best practices of combating violence against women. These causes may reflect the deep-rooted gender inequalities that prevail and persist against women in most of the Indian region. Many of the economic researchers were highlights that money is a matter for four functions such as a medium, a measure, a standard, a store. In fact, money has a multi-faceted role to play in a society. It is that medium by which all economic needs of human beings are fulfilled. Many human rights like right to work and right to equal wages for equal work have emerged from the economic needs of mankind.
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[2] Burns, John F.,(1998), “Though Illegal, Child Marriage is Popular in Part of India” The New York Times. May 11.
[3] Desai, Sonalde.,(1994), “Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behavior: India”, New York: The Population Council, Inc.
[4] Krishnan, S., Vettriselvan, R., & Tamilselvi, S. (2014). Human Rights Violations in Unorganised Sectors- A Case of Dalits Labourers in Human Rights Violations, Edited by Dr.A.Balakrishnan, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 60-69.
[5] Reardon, Geraldine.,(1995), Power and Process. Oxford: Oxfam
[6] Omvedt, Gail.,(1990), “Violence Against Women: New Movements and New Theories in India”, Kali Primaries.
[7] Purushothaman, Sangeetha.,(1998). “The Empowerment of Women in India: Grassroots Women’s Networks and the State”, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
[8] Tinker, Anne.,(1996), “Improving Women’s Health in India”, Development in Practice Series. The World Bank
[9] Vettriselvan, R., Krishnan, S., & Balakrishnan, A. (2013). Role of NGOs in Protect Human Rights for Dalits to Remove Social Exclusion- A Study in Inclusive Growth in India, Edited by Dr.S.Gurusamy, MJP Publishers, Chennai, 191-200.
[10] Vettriselvan R., Sathya M., & Balakrishnan A. (2014). Human Resource Management Issues in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Tamil Nadu in International Research Journal of Business and Management (IRJBM), VII(12):35-40 available at
[11] Vettriselvan, R., Ruben Anto M., & Jesu Rajan, FSA. (2018). Rural Lighting for Energy Conservations and Sustainable Development, International Journal of Mech. Eng. and Tech. 9(7), 2018, pp. 604–611.
Received: 04 October 2018
Accepted: 29 January 2019
Published: 26 March 2019
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v6.i1.2019.61001
Human Rights Violations against Rural Women Workers