Big Data Analytics in Geographic Information System
Ms. M. Anita
Big Data Analytics; GIS, Human Geography; Physical Geography and Environmental Geography
Geography is an art of understanding the location through which the people can commute. The study of this art would make the human race more effective in terms of infra-structure development, agricultural development, economy, population distribution, etc. In this modern world, the unknown locations were being betrayed to the people due to the unawareness of geography. Geographic information system will be more useful with the use of satellites and Global Positioning Systems. In this modern era, Science makes the people to be more sophisticated to get the things that they would love to achieve. The details that the people surf in the internet are very vast. The Geographical data from satellite are being stored as demographic information, weather information, historical information, population information, frequency of the request and so on. Using numerous algorithms, various information stated above are being analyzed and the results are shared as the forecast to the users.
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[2] https :// www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov / books / NBK221045/
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[4] http :// www. shareyouressays. com / knowledge/what-is-the-scope-of-human-geography/111454
[5] Reforming Health Care Facility Using Geographical Information System
Mohamad Taufik Lokhman, Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam & Abd Malek Mohd Noor
[6] Lucinda M,Hall,Dartmouth college,newyork
[7] Geographic Information Systems: Applications and Research Opportunities for Information Systems,Brian E. Mennecke School of Business,East Carolina University, NC
[8] Geographic Information Systems Martin D. Crossland College of Business Administration Southwest Missouri State University Springfreld, Mo
[9] Development and Application of an Agricultural Geographic Information System of Fujian Southern area,Qiu Bingwen, fujian Province, Fuzhou University, Fujian, China,
[10] http :// journals. sagepub. com / doi / abs / 10.1177/ 20438206 13513121
[2] https :// www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov / books / NBK221045/
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[4] http :// www. shareyouressays. com / knowledge/what-is-the-scope-of-human-geography/111454
[5] Reforming Health Care Facility Using Geographical Information System
Mohamad Taufik Lokhman, Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam & Abd Malek Mohd Noor
[6] Lucinda M,Hall,Dartmouth college,newyork
[7] Geographic Information Systems: Applications and Research Opportunities for Information Systems,Brian E. Mennecke School of Business,East Carolina University, NC
[8] Geographic Information Systems Martin D. Crossland College of Business Administration Southwest Missouri State University Springfreld, Mo
[9] Development and Application of an Agricultural Geographic Information System of Fujian Southern area,Qiu Bingwen, fujian Province, Fuzhou University, Fujian, China,
[10] http :// journals. sagepub. com / doi / abs / 10.1177/ 20438206 13513121
Received: 05 September 2018
Accepted: 07 February 2019
Published: 27 March 2019
DOI: 10.30726/ijlca/v6.i1.2019.