Utilization of Robotic Process Automation in Healthcare Industry

Robotic Process Automation; RPA; Automation; Technology; Healthcare; Robots.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a new technological revolution whose main purpose is to eliminate repetitive processes from people & organizational tasks. Different forms of technologies are combined in robotic process automation. RPA is a relatively new and fast robotics technology. This criterion is the subject of extensive research by the researchers. The basic concepts of RPA are highlighted in this paper, as well as its use in the healthcare industry. Clinic costs are rising every year, and the predicted increase in patient numbers necessitates the hiring of additional medical personnel. This circumstance has an impact on medical treatment quality. On the other side, the system seeks to identify ways to cut costs, improve job efficiency, and deliver excellent patient care. As a result, businesses require the assistance of robotic healthcare automation, which allows them to automate all difficult and time-consuming processes. The benefits of adopting RPA in healthcare were discovered in this research. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare has become one of the most demanding and hard industries. Every attempt is being made to solve as many problems as feasible. In the healthcare industry, 30% of tasks can be automated. RPA technology can be a huge help because it can be used in a variety of ways.
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Received : 27 February 2022
Accepted : 25 March 2023
Published : 31 March 2023
DOI: 10.30726/ijlca/v10.i1.2023.101001
