I. A. Kankara, T. Adagba, A. Yunusa
Cretaceous Geology; Age-determination; Economic Geology; Sokoto Basin; Northwestern Nigeria.
In this present study, the geology and economic aspect of lithological units of Sokoto Basin, sheet 4 South West Sokoto, part of Nigerian Sedimentary Basins were studied. It is bounded by latitudes N 13° 36′ 30″- N 13° 40′ 45″ and longitudes E 05° 38′ 00″- E 05° 40′ 44″to gently undulating plain which was mapped on the scale of 1:25,000. The methodology adopted was mainly primary data which involved reconnaissance survey and actual or full field survey. The economic deposits include clays/ shale, lateritic ironstones, limestone, phosphate and gypsum, which are mined by the local artisanal miners.
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[2] Ajibade AC and Wright JB. Structural relationship in the schist belt of northwestern Nigerian In: Oluyibe, P.O (Ed.) Precambrian Geology of Nigeria – Geological Survey Of Nigeria, Kaduna. 1998;103–109.
[3] Ball E. An example of very consistent brittle deformation over a wide intra continental area: The late Pan – African fracture system of thee Taureg and Nigerian shield. Tectonophysics. 1980;61:363-379.
[4] Dunham RJ. Classification of carbonate according to depositional textures. In: Ham, W.E. (Ed.), Classification of Carbonate Rocks. AAPG Memoir. 1962;1:108-121.
[5] Greigert J. Description des formations CretacesetTertiaires du basin de Iullemeden. Mem. Bur. Rech. Geol. Min 1966:36.
[6] Jones B. The sedimentary rock of Sokoto province. Bull. Geol. Survey of Nigeria. 1948;18:1-72.
[7] Kankara IA. Geology of the Northwestern Nigeria. Long Distant Field Trip of 300 Level, Dept. of Geography Students, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University. 2011
[8] Kogbe CA. Geology of the upper cretaceous and tertiary sediments of the Nigerian sector of the Iullemeden Basin (West Africa). Geol. Rdsch. 1973;62:197-211.
[9] Kogbe CA. Geology of South Eastern (Sokoto) sector of Iullemmeden Basin. Bulletin Department of Geology Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. 1979;2:No. 1.
[10] Kogbe CA. Cretaceous and Tertiary of Iullemmeden Basin in Nigeria (West Africa) Cretaceous research. 1981;2:129-186.
[11] Krasheninnikov VA and Trofimov DM. Sravitel’ nyyanalizbenthosnykh..foraminifera datskopaleotsenovykhotlozhn- eniy Mali, oblastitetisa I severozapodny Evropy. Vopr. Micropaleontol. SSSR. 1969;12:108-144.
[12] McCurry P. The geology of the Precambrian to lower palaeozoic rocks of Northern Nigeria – a review in Kogbe , C.A (e.d) geology of Nigeria. Elizabeth pub. Co. Lagos Nigeria: 1976;41-58.
[13] Obaje NG, Wehner H, Scheeder G, et al. Hydrocarbon prospectivity of Nigeria’s inland basins: from the viewpoint of organic geochemistry and organic petrology. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 2004;87:325-353.
[14] Ogezi AEO. Geochemistry and Geochronology of basement rock from North western Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Leeds University. 1977
[15] Peters S. The marine Maastritchian and paleocene deposits (of North western Nigeria). The Dukamaje Formation and Sokoto Group. Geological Guide to some Nigerian Cretaceous recent lacalities: 7th African micropal. Coll. Ille – Ife, Nigeria. 1976;75-87.
[16] Wright JB, Hastings DA, Jones WB and Williams HR. Geology and Mineral resources of Africa. George Allen and Urwin, London. 1985;90-120.
[17] Yunusa A. Geology of GidanAlfarma Area, Northwestern Nigeria. An unpublished BSc. Project, Dept. of Geology, UsmanuDanfodio University Sokoto. 2018.
Received : 06 July 2021
Accepted : 27 August 2021
Published : 06 September 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v8.i3.2021.83015