Dr. Bhawana Asnani
Organic Waste; Vermi-composting; Vermi-culture
Waste Management comprises the sum of all measures for the avoidance and minimization also because the controlled and environmentally acceptable disposal of waste of all types’ i.e. domestic waste also as commercial and industrial waste. Landfill, Incineration and Composting are the three methods normally used for management of organic and inorganic wastes. Present study was undertaken to find out the effect of vermi-composting on the nutrients availability from different types of organic waste available from kitchen of Hostel, farm of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and water body of Amreli. Vermicompost helps in further enhancement of nutrients and improve the quality of compost irrespective of type of waste due to the action of earthworms. The compost prepared from kitchen waste has highest nutrient composition (viz. NPK, C:N and C:P ratio) followed by farm waste and water hyacinth. The vermicomposting is a cost effective and simple technology which can be easily learned and adopted to treat organic waste effectively.
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[2] Census of India (2011).
[3] Deshpande W., (1996). Organic Farming. Environmentally sound technologies for women in agriculture. International Federation for Women in Agriculture, 71-74.
[4] Salvi P. (1997). Composition of Solid Waste. Integrated Solid Waste Management, Hamburger Umwelt Institute and Save Bombay Committee, Mumbai. 14-18 .
[5] Singh G.B., (1996) Strategy for Balanced Usage, Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture ICAR, New Delhi, 151-152.
[6] TERI, (1998) Energy Demand: Domestic Sector, TEDDY, Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 241-250.
Received : 29 January 2020
Accepted : 11 July 2020
Published : 26 July 2020
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i3.2020.73019