M. Subhashini
Quantum Dot Cellular Automato; Image Processing; Nano Electronics
This paper presents the important of employing Quantum Dot Cellular Automato in Image processing. Quantum Dot Cellular Automato is anupcoming technology of Nano electronics ensuring very low power consumption, maximized clock speed, low silicon area utilization and performance enriching parallel processing techniques. Here we discussed the fundamental of image processing techniques and application role of quantum dot cellular automato in it.
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[10] Tehrani, M. A., Safaei, F., Moaiyeri, M. H., & Navi, K. (2011). Design and implementation of multistage interconnection networks using quantum-dot cellular automata. Microelectronics Journal, 42(6), 913–922.
Received : 27 December 2019
Accepted : 21 June 2020
Published : 26 July 2020
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i3.2020.73018