Neharika Saxena and H M Saxena
Immunocompetence; Syndromes; Nutrients
Nutrition is significant modulator of the resistant function and can often tip the balance between health and syndrome. Many types of syndromes are due to malnutrition. Specific concentrations of nutrients are required for optimal health of the animal. The diet supplies energy and amino acids that contribute to the development, maintenance and use of the immune system. Substrates are necessary for the anabolic activity of immune system’s cells (leukocytes), such as proliferation and antibody production as well as the secretion by the liver of large quantities. In young animals, a rigorous deficiency of any nutrient impairs immunocompetence. Nutrients can affect the functions of leukocytes and hence the type, duration, and magnitude of the immune response. It is important to determine the quantitative nutrient requirements of the immune system for its development in the young animal, its maintenance at times of good health, and its poor immunocompetence, in turn, can result in greater incidence and duration of infections, leading to decreased food intake, nutrient losses, and impaired animal health and well-being. There are two basic causes of degenerative diseases: immune dysfunction due to toxicity, and nutritional deficiency. Deficiency arises from poor soil and depletion of nutrition in processed feeds. Many types of illnesses and diseases are caused by malnutrition. Target animal species require to be examining to decide specific concentrations of nutrients for best immunocompetence and physical condition.
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[2] Azizi, E. S., P. H. Klesius, and J. C. Frandsen. 1984. Effects of selenium on
[3] polymorphonuclear leukocyte function in goats. Am. J. Vet. Res. 45:1715-1719.
[4] Chesters, J. K. 1997. Zinc. Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements. Eds. B. L. O’Dell and R. A. Sunde. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, New York.
[5] Cook, M.E. 1991. Nutrition and the Immune Response of the Domestic Fowl. Cr. Rev. Poult. Biol. 3:167-190.
[6] Fritsche, K.L., M. Byrge, and C. Feng. 1999. Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oil reduce interleukin-12 and interferon-gamma production in mice. Immunol. Let. 65:167-173.
[7] Galyean, M. L., L. J. Perino, and G. C. Duff. 1999. Interaction of cattle health/immunity and nutrition. J. Anim. Sci. 77:1120-1134.
[8] Gyang, E. O., J. B. Stevens, W. G. Olsen, S. D. Tsitsamis, and E. A. Usenik. 1984. Effects of selenium-vitamin E injection on bovine polymorponucleated leukocyte phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus. Am. J. Vet. Res. 45:175-183.
[9] Kaenko, J. J. 1989. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Academic Press Inc. San Diego, CA.
[10] Kornegay, E. T., Z. Wang, C. M. Wood, and N. D. Lindemann. 1997. Supplemental
[11] chromium picolinate influences nitrogen balance, dry matter digestibility, and carcass
[12] traits in growing and finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 75:1319-1323.
[13] Kuby, J. 1994. Immunology. 2nd Ed. W. H. Freeman and Company. New York.
[14] McDowell, L. R. 1989. Vitamins in Animal Nutrition. Academic Press Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, San Diego, CA.
[15] McDowell, L. R. 1992. Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. Academic Press Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, San Diego, CA.
[16] Mertz, W. 1993. Chromium in human nutrition: A review. J. Nutr. 123:626-633
[17] Mulhern, S. A., G. L. Taylor, L. E. Magruder, and A. R. Vessey. 1985. Deficient levels of dietary selenium suppress the antibody response in first and second generation mice. Nutr. Res. 5:201-209.
[18] Okada, S., M. Suzuki, and H. Ohba. 1983. Enhancement of ribonucleic acids synthesis by chromium (III) in mouse liver. J. Inorg. Biochem. 19:95-103.
[19] Schwarz, K. and W. Mertz. 1959. Chromium (III) and the glucose tolerance factor. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 85:292-295.
[20] Underwood, E. J. 1971. Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition 3rd Ed. Academic Press. New York, New York.
[21] Underwood, E. J., and N. F. Suttle. 1999. In: The Mineral Nutrition of Livestock 3rd Ed. CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
Received : 20 January 2020
Accepted : 14 May 2020
Published : 04 June 2020
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i2.2020.72005
Nutrition and Immune Function