Gayatree Sahoo, Braja Kishore Sahoo
Reproductive Rate; Age Specific Life Table Study; Stage-Specific Life Table Study; Milled Rice Grains.
An experiment was conducted on the study of life table statistics of rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae in milled rice grains in the laboratory of Department of Entomology of College of Agriculture under Odisha University of agriculture and technology, Bhubaneswar in coastal climatic condition of Odisha indicated that the stage-specific life table study revealed that the sex ratio was 0.94: 1.00 with a generation survival rate of 0.569. The age specific (female fecundity) life table study revealed the net reproductive rate (R0) of 16.35 with the mean length of generation (T) of 36.65 days and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) of 0.076.
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[6] Kangmontree B. (2005). Studies of Life Tables and Damages of Rice Weevil [Sitophilus oryzse] (L.). Master of Science (Entomology) thesis submitted at Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University.
[7] Ryoo MI, Cho KJ and Yoo CK. (1988). Life table statistics of the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionodae) on the degree day scale, Korean Journal of Applied Entomology. 27(1):14-20.
[2] Atwal AS and Bains SS. (1974). Applied Animal Ecology. Kalyani publishers. Delhi.
[3] Champ BR and Dyte C. 1976. Global survey of pesticide susceptibility of stored grain pests,FAO Plant Protection Science, No. 5, FAO, Rome.
[4] Choo KJ and Ryoo MIK. (1988). Life table statistics of the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in relation to the preference for rough, brown and polished rice, S.Y.Korea Univ., Seoul (Korea R.). Dept. of Plant Protection.
[5] Howe RW. (1952). the biology of the rice weevil, Calandra oryzae L. Annals of Applied Biology, 39:168-180.
[6] Kangmontree B. (2005). Studies of Life Tables and Damages of Rice Weevil [Sitophilus oryzse] (L.). Master of Science (Entomology) thesis submitted at Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University.
[7] Ryoo MI, Cho KJ and Yoo CK. (1988). Life table statistics of the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionodae) on the degree day scale, Korean Journal of Applied Entomology. 27(1):14-20.
Received : 04 May 2022
Accepted : 24 September 2022
Published : 30 September 2022
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v9.i3.2022.93005