P.Manicka Jothi, Dr.S.Sangeeta
Job Satisfaction; Mill; Job Security; Rewards; Working Conditions.
Job delight is a preferred mind-set in the direction of one’s process, the difference between the amount of praise people get hold of and the quantity they accept as true with they need to receive. Worker is a backbone of every organization, without employee no work may be done. So, worker’s delight may be very vital. Personnel can be greater glad if they get what they predicted, job pleasure relates to inner emotions of employees. Hence, this study has been carried out to analyze the satisfaction level of mill employees. Chi-Square test and percentage analysis have been used in this study to analyze the job satisfaction of paper mill employees in Madura coats Madurai district. The study shows that only 44% of the employees are satisfied with the working conditions, 31% of them with the welfare facilities, 44% of them with the accident compensation, and 42% of them are satisfied with the rewards provided and 52% of them are satisfied with the grievance handling procedure. The company may additionally give significance to positive elements such as canteen, rest room centers, rewards, reputation and merchandising coverage in order that delight of the employees may be advanced similarly.
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[10] Bagger,J., Li, A., &Gutek, B.A.(2008) “How much do your family and does it matter? The joint effects of family identity salience, family- interface with work and gender,Human Relations, 61(2),187-211.
[11] Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation (New York: Rinehart & Co., 1944). Thephrase appears originally in William Blake’s Jerusalem: The Emanation of the GiantAlbion (1804).
[12] Brett KM, Strogatz DS, Savitz DA. Employment, job strain, and preterm delivery among women in North Carolina. Am J Public Health 1997;87:199–204.
[13] Rani Swaroopa (2014) Job Satisfaction of Primary School Teachers, International journal in management and social science, Vol.2, No.1, (Jan, 2014) pp. 76-84.
[14] Bhawana Pande, Ashutosh Priya (2020) A study on factors affecting job satisfaction of employees in Hotel Industry: A study with reference to few hotels in Lucknow, Vol.29, No.9s (2020) Special Issue.
[15] Sri Langeng Ratnasari, Universitas Riau Kepulaum, The effect of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Culture, and Leadership on employee Performance, Vol.23, Issue13A(2020)
[2] Levin Richard, David S. Rubin (2002), Statistics for Management, Seventh- edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi.
[3] Jerald Greenberg, A. Baron Robert (2003), Behavior in Organizations, Seventh -edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi.
[4] P. Robbins Stephan (2003), Organizational Behavior, Ninth – edition, Pearson, Education Ltd.
[5] Verma R.K. & Sha P.R – Workers Participation in Management, Oxford Publication, (2020) New Delhi.
[6] Mr. Eric .G. Flamhollz, Human Resource Accounting: Advances In concepts, Methods and Applications,2012.
[7] Memoria. C.B , Personnel Management, Himalaya publishing House, (2015) New Delhi.
[8] Aswathappa. K. Human Resources and personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, (2013) New Delhi.
[9] Maeran Roberta (2013) Work-Life balance and job satisfaction among teachers, Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, VolXVIII.No.1, (2013) pp51-72
[10] Bagger,J., Li, A., &Gutek, B.A.(2008) “How much do your family and does it matter? The joint effects of family identity salience, family- interface with work and gender,Human Relations, 61(2),187-211.
[11] Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation (New York: Rinehart & Co., 1944). Thephrase appears originally in William Blake’s Jerusalem: The Emanation of the GiantAlbion (1804).
[12] Brett KM, Strogatz DS, Savitz DA. Employment, job strain, and preterm delivery among women in North Carolina. Am J Public Health 1997;87:199–204.
[13] Rani Swaroopa (2014) Job Satisfaction of Primary School Teachers, International journal in management and social science, Vol.2, No.1, (Jan, 2014) pp. 76-84.
[14] Bhawana Pande, Ashutosh Priya (2020) A study on factors affecting job satisfaction of employees in Hotel Industry: A study with reference to few hotels in Lucknow, Vol.29, No.9s (2020) Special Issue.
[15] Sri Langeng Ratnasari, Universitas Riau Kepulaum, The effect of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Culture, and Leadership on employee Performance, Vol.23, Issue13A(2020)
Received : 16 June 2022
Accepted : 24 September 2022
Published : 29 September2022
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v9.i3.2022.93004