Opportunities and Challenges Facing the 21st C Women Entrepreneurs in India

Dr. Pradnya Chitrao
Women Entrepreneurship; Impact on Economy; Challenges Faced by Indian Women
Entrepreneurship is important in the 21st C. Entrepreneurship requires innovation and risk-taking. It helps a nation progress in an ever volatile, competitive global business scenario. More and more Indians are taking up the entrepreneurship challenge. Male entrepreneurs are more than their female counterparts (Minniti & Bygrave, 2004). But in America, women-owned businesses provide $1.19 trillion in revenues, and are central to the economy (http://www.nwbc.gov). In India, we’d like to ascertain whether women entrepreneurs are as prominent contributors to the country’s economy.
Purpose of study: The researcher seeks to research the challenges and opportunities faced by Indian women entrepreneurs.
Research Methodology: Both primary as well as secondary research methods were used. A survey of around twenty-fivePune women entrepreneurs was conducted to study the constraints they faced as also the opportunities available to them. The survey also tried to understand the reasons that motivated them to pursue entrepreneurial activities. Qualitative interview technique was used.
Key Findings: The study showed that these women entrepreneurs were not confident, faced many role conflicts, did not have leadership qualities, came from an orthodox family background, did not have the required finances, and found it difficult to strike a work life balance. Most women entrepreneurs are unaware of the financial and training schemes that are available today. Only two exhibited the ambition of increasing business beyond a point.
Originality: The primary research is original. It however can be replicated on a larger scale or in a different city. It is a guide to government and to prospective women entrepreneurs.
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Received : 19 December 2019
Accepted : 02 July 2020
Published : 26 July 2020
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i3.2020.73013
