M. Ramapriya, Dr. S.Sudhamathi
Strategic Human Resource Management; Human Resource Policies; Organizational Performance; Organizational Culture.
The aim of the study is to point the progression of connecting the human resource purpose with considered aim of industry in direct to pick up routine. The incorporation between HR policies and strategic management is developed throughout the emergence of S-HRM. It focuses on the whole HR strategies adopted by big dealing units and companies; It is a attention to facilitate integrates long-established organizational culture performance within a firm’s overall tactical planning with implementation. The prominence of connecting HRM policies to managerial strategy was due to the increase of resource-based view. The sphere of influence has gained a lot of awareness in the new past as due thought should be given to the people because one aspects in executive plan since it does not only assist in implementing the strategy it may provide as a sustainable competitive benefit for union. S-HRM has determined on how a group of HR practices and policies affects organizational marks. The exact HR policies containing high performance labour systems has not been particular , the common theme in S-HRM narrative is to draw attention to the consequence of operation of preparation in the organizations given to facilitate proper training to the workers, attractive inputs on behalf of decision making, appropriate reward mechanism. As has been indicated in the past literature, high-performance work systems includes trainings beyond job, member of staff participation, information sharing, reward mechanism based on groups investigated company linking strategic human resource management and organizational performance exists. The present study tries to review the numerous presented literatures and explore effort proceeding models of S-HRM and policies.
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[2] Richard, O. C., & Johnson, N. B. (2001). “Strategic human resource management effectiveness and firm performance”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol 12 issue (2), December 2010, Pages 299-310.
[3] Armstrong, M. (2019). “Strategic human resource management”. 2010 Page no: 1-257 pdf drive. com.
[4] Baird, L., & Meshoulam, I. (1988). “Managing two fits of strategic human resource management”. Academy of Management review, vol 13 issue (1), january 1988, page no: 116-128.
[5] Kuruvilla, S. (1996). “Linkages between industrialization strategies and industrial relations/human resource policies”. Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India. ILR Review, vol 49 issue (4), july 1996,Page no: 635-657.
[6] Alkalha, Z., Al-Zu’bi, Z., Al-Dmour, H., Alshurideh, M., &Masa’deh, R. (2012). Investigating the effects of human resource policies on organizational performance: An empirical study on commercial banks operating in Jordan. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, vol 51 issue (1), march 2012,Page no: 44-64.
[7] Çalişkan, E. N. (2010). The impact of strategic human resource management on organizational performance. Journal of Naval science and engineering, vol 6 issue (2), December 2010,Page no: 100-116.
[8] Fu, Y., &Kamenou, N. (2011). The impact of Chinese cultural values on human resource policies and practices within transnational corporations in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol 22 issue (16), September 2011, page no: 3270-3289.
[10] Hendry, C. and Pettigrew, A. (1986), “The Practice of Strategic Human Resource Management”, Personnel Review, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 3-8.
[11] Truss, C. and L. Gratton (1994). “Strategic human resource management: A conceptual approach.” International Journal of Human Resource Management 5(3) july 2006 pages : 663-686.
[12] Peter Boxall and John Purcell (2000) “Strategic Human Resource management: where have we come from and where should we be going”, International journal of Management reviews, Vol 2 issue (5), March 2000, pages 183-203.
[13] Ellen Galinsky, Peter J. Stein (1990) “The Impact of Human Resource Policies on Employees: Balancing Work/Family Life” , Journal of family Issues vol 11issue (4) December 1990,Pages 150-154
[14] Tim Morris & Helen Lydka , Mark Fenton O’Creevy (1993), “Can Commitment Be Managed? A Longitudinal Analysis of Employee Commitment and Human Resource Policies”, Human Resource Management Journal, vol 3 issue (3), March 1993, pages 21- 42.
Accepted : 22 December 2020
Published : 02 January 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i4.2020.74022
Human Resource Management