Dr. Suruchi Pandey
MBA Classes; Gagne’s Events of Instruction; Session Plan; Learning; Instruction Design
Action Research and Reflection is what defines an attribute of a professional. Class room action research is a good way of improving teaching strategies. There is no cook book approach to what will work in one subject and in another class. A teacher has to come up with his or her own style of teaching. The present study was taken the researcher who is also reporter in this case to improve on classroom experience of MBA students in HRM class. The need was identified as a reflection process and action research was conducted. The experiences of faculty are reported in the form of this paper.
Corporates are looking for trained managers and MBA degree is in demand. Students’ class room experience has to impart them holistic knowledge with hands on skill. Every minute spend in class and every interaction must bring value to students. This Interaction can be with faculty or interaction among students. Faculty has to plan and conduct session smoothly. Popularly used Gagne’s events of Instruction were helpful in redesigning session plan and conducting sessions. The experience was interesting and exciting. The classroom experience and learning of students was also positively improved. This paper presents brief about Gagne’s Events of Instruction and is implementation in MBA HR classes. The test data of 60 students is presented for the learning. MCQ based quiz was implemented pre and post test to measure the learning.
Corporates are looking for trained managers and MBA degree is in demand. Students’ class room experience has to impart them holistic knowledge with hands on skill. Every minute spend in class and every interaction must bring value to students. This Interaction can be with faculty or interaction among students. Faculty has to plan and conduct session smoothly. Popularly used Gagne’s events of Instruction were helpful in redesigning session plan and conducting sessions. The experience was interesting and exciting. The classroom experience and learning of students was also positively improved. This paper presents brief about Gagne’s Events of Instruction and is implementation in MBA HR classes. The test data of 60 students is presented for the learning. MCQ based quiz was implemented pre and post test to measure the learning.
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[2] Bednar, A.K, Cunningham, D. Duffy, T. M & Perry, J. D, (1991). Theory into Practice: How do we Link? In G. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future, 88-101, Retrieved from Englewood, Co: Libraries Unlimited.
[3] Brown, J. S, Collins. A & Duguid. P,(1989). Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning. Retrieved from Educational Researcher, 18(4), 32-42.
[4] Catanese, A.P. (2008). Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction. Conditions of Learning Theory 1-3. Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center The University of West Florida.
[5] Gunter, G. A, Kenny, R.F, Vick, E.H. A Case for A Formal design paradigm for serious Games. Retrieved from Formal Design Paradigm-2.
[6] Khadjooi, K, Rostami, K &Ishaq, S, (2011). How to use Gagne’s Model of Instructional design in teaching psychomotor skills: Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench, 4(3) database: https://www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/Pmc4017416/
[7] Kevin, K, (2008). Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: An Introduction, Database: http://www.E‐Learningguru. Com/Articles/ Art3_3.htm
[8] Leow, F T & Neo, M (2014). Interactive Multimedia Learning: Innovating Classroom Education in a Malaysian University: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Tojet, 13(2), 99-110
[9] Lisak, M, (2011). Educational Technology & Pedagogy: Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, database: http://Koreamaria. Typepad.Com/Gwangju/2011/08/Gagnes-Nine-Events-Of-Instruction.html
[10] Mettetal, G (2012). The What, Why and How of Classroom Action Research. Journal of The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 6 – 18
[11] Miner, A. Mallow,J.Theeke,&L.Barnes,(2015). Using Gagne’s 9 Events ofInstruction to Enhance Student Performance and Course Evaluations in Undergraduate Nursing Course,Nurse Educ. 40(3): 152–154, Doi: 10.1097/Nne.0000000000000138
[12] Manninen. E. Use This Tool to Structure and Deliver Training Effectively Gagne’s Nine Levels of Learning Training Your Team Effectively, Retrieved from Article Mind
[13] Martin. F & Klein. J, (2008). Effects of Objectives, Practice, and Review in Multimedia Instruction .Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 17(2), 171-189 .
[14] Ng & J.Y, (2014). Combining Peyton’s Four-Step Approach and Gagne’s Instructional Model in Teaching Slit-Lamp Examination : Perspect Med Educ, 3(6): 480–485,Doi:10.1007/S40037-014-0136-X.
[15] Pickard. M, (2007). The New Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview for Family and Consumer Sciences. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 25(1), 45- 55.
[16] Preparing and Structuring Lecture Notes, Database http://Cet.Usc.Edu/Resources/Teaching_Learning/Docs/Teaching_Nuggets_ Docs/3.1_Preparing_And_Structuring_Lecture_Notes.Pdf accessed on June 2016.
[17] Toward Meeting the Needs of all Learners: An Action Research Report Prof 191V, (2000), Queen’s University, Anonymous Teacher
[18] Tsai, C.J. (2008). Application of the Events of Instruction in the Gagné-Briggs ISD Model: A Design Example in Language Instruction. Available: /Application_of_the_Events_of_Instruction_in_the_Gagn%C3%A9-Briggs_ISD_Model_A_Design_Example_in_Language_Instruction
[19] Yasmeen, G,(2008). Action Research: An Approach for the Teachers in Higher Education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – Tojet, 7 (4) Issn: 1303-6521 ,46 – 53.
[20] Wildman, T. M. (1981). Cognitive Theory and the Design of Instruction. Retrieved from Educational Technology, 21, 14-20..
[21] Winn, W. (2004). Cognitive Perspectives in Psychology, 79-112. Retrieved from Handbook of Research On Educational Communications and Technology.
[22] BCIT. (2003). Preparing Lesson Plan. BCIT Learning and Teaching Centre. Retrieved from:, July 9, 2010.
[23] Blanchard, Thacker& Ram, (2010). Effective Training: Systems, Strategies and Practices. Pearson Publication (pp 200-205).
[24] Gagne. R & Driscoll. M, (1988). Essentials of Learning for Instruction. Retrieved from Englewood Cliff.
[25] Gagne. R., Briggs. L. & Wager, W, (1992). Principles of Instructional Design (185-257). Retrieved from Fort Worth, Tx: Hbj College Publishers. database :https://www.Hcs64.Com/Files /Principles%20of%20instructional%20design.Pdf
[26] Rao, V.S.P,(2001). Human Resources Management: Text and Cases, Excel Books.
[27] Ragan, T.J, Smith, P.L. (2000) Conditions Theory and Models For Designing Instruction database :
[28] Stephen D. Brookfield (2015) The Skillful Teacher: On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom. Retrieved from Wiley Publications.
[29] J. Marques, S. Dhiman, J. Biberman (2011).Stories to Tell Your Students: Transforming toward Organizational Growth, Springer Publication, Springer Publicatons https://Resources.Instructure.Com/ Courses/ 7/Pages/Robert-Gagne
[30] https://Coursearc.Com/Gagnes-Nine-Events-Of-Instruction/
[31] http://Edci672.Wikispaces.Com/Gagne’s+Nine+Events+Of+Instructi( Jan 2016)
[32] ( Jan 2016)
[33] (Jan 2016)
[37] Robert Mills Gagne (2013). Portrait of a Theorist database :
[2] Bednar, A.K, Cunningham, D. Duffy, T. M & Perry, J. D, (1991). Theory into Practice: How do we Link? In G. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future, 88-101, Retrieved from Englewood, Co: Libraries Unlimited.
[3] Brown, J. S, Collins. A & Duguid. P,(1989). Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning. Retrieved from Educational Researcher, 18(4), 32-42.
[4] Catanese, A.P. (2008). Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction. Conditions of Learning Theory 1-3. Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center The University of West Florida.
[5] Gunter, G. A, Kenny, R.F, Vick, E.H. A Case for A Formal design paradigm for serious Games. Retrieved from Formal Design Paradigm-2.
[6] Khadjooi, K, Rostami, K &Ishaq, S, (2011). How to use Gagne’s Model of Instructional design in teaching psychomotor skills: Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench, 4(3) database: https://www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/Pmc4017416/
[7] Kevin, K, (2008). Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: An Introduction, Database: http://www.E‐Learningguru. Com/Articles/ Art3_3.htm
[8] Leow, F T & Neo, M (2014). Interactive Multimedia Learning: Innovating Classroom Education in a Malaysian University: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Tojet, 13(2), 99-110
[9] Lisak, M, (2011). Educational Technology & Pedagogy: Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, database: http://Koreamaria. Typepad.Com/Gwangju/2011/08/Gagnes-Nine-Events-Of-Instruction.html
[10] Mettetal, G (2012). The What, Why and How of Classroom Action Research. Journal of The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 6 – 18
[11] Miner, A. Mallow,J.Theeke,&L.Barnes,(2015). Using Gagne’s 9 Events ofInstruction to Enhance Student Performance and Course Evaluations in Undergraduate Nursing Course,Nurse Educ. 40(3): 152–154, Doi: 10.1097/Nne.0000000000000138
[12] Manninen. E. Use This Tool to Structure and Deliver Training Effectively Gagne’s Nine Levels of Learning Training Your Team Effectively, Retrieved from Article Mind
[13] Martin. F & Klein. J, (2008). Effects of Objectives, Practice, and Review in Multimedia Instruction .Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 17(2), 171-189 .
[14] Ng & J.Y, (2014). Combining Peyton’s Four-Step Approach and Gagne’s Instructional Model in Teaching Slit-Lamp Examination : Perspect Med Educ, 3(6): 480–485,Doi:10.1007/S40037-014-0136-X.
[15] Pickard. M, (2007). The New Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview for Family and Consumer Sciences. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 25(1), 45- 55.
[16] Preparing and Structuring Lecture Notes, Database http://Cet.Usc.Edu/Resources/Teaching_Learning/Docs/Teaching_Nuggets_ Docs/3.1_Preparing_And_Structuring_Lecture_Notes.Pdf accessed on June 2016.
[17] Toward Meeting the Needs of all Learners: An Action Research Report Prof 191V, (2000), Queen’s University, Anonymous Teacher
[18] Tsai, C.J. (2008). Application of the Events of Instruction in the Gagné-Briggs ISD Model: A Design Example in Language Instruction. Available: /Application_of_the_Events_of_Instruction_in_the_Gagn%C3%A9-Briggs_ISD_Model_A_Design_Example_in_Language_Instruction
[19] Yasmeen, G,(2008). Action Research: An Approach for the Teachers in Higher Education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – Tojet, 7 (4) Issn: 1303-6521 ,46 – 53.
[20] Wildman, T. M. (1981). Cognitive Theory and the Design of Instruction. Retrieved from Educational Technology, 21, 14-20..
[21] Winn, W. (2004). Cognitive Perspectives in Psychology, 79-112. Retrieved from Handbook of Research On Educational Communications and Technology.
[22] BCIT. (2003). Preparing Lesson Plan. BCIT Learning and Teaching Centre. Retrieved from:, July 9, 2010.
[23] Blanchard, Thacker& Ram, (2010). Effective Training: Systems, Strategies and Practices. Pearson Publication (pp 200-205).
[24] Gagne. R & Driscoll. M, (1988). Essentials of Learning for Instruction. Retrieved from Englewood Cliff.
[25] Gagne. R., Briggs. L. & Wager, W, (1992). Principles of Instructional Design (185-257). Retrieved from Fort Worth, Tx: Hbj College Publishers. database :https://www.Hcs64.Com/Files /Principles%20of%20instructional%20design.Pdf
[26] Rao, V.S.P,(2001). Human Resources Management: Text and Cases, Excel Books.
[27] Ragan, T.J, Smith, P.L. (2000) Conditions Theory and Models For Designing Instruction database :
[28] Stephen D. Brookfield (2015) The Skillful Teacher: On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom. Retrieved from Wiley Publications.
[29] J. Marques, S. Dhiman, J. Biberman (2011).Stories to Tell Your Students: Transforming toward Organizational Growth, Springer Publication, Springer Publicatons https://Resources.Instructure.Com/ Courses/ 7/Pages/Robert-Gagne
[30] https://Coursearc.Com/Gagnes-Nine-Events-Of-Instruction/
[31] http://Edci672.Wikispaces.Com/Gagne’s+Nine+Events+Of+Instructi( Jan 2016)
[32] ( Jan 2016)
[33] (Jan 2016)
[37] Robert Mills Gagne (2013). Portrait of a Theorist database :
Received : 13 December 2019
Accepted : 20 June 2020
Published : 26 July2020
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i3.2020.73011