Dr. A. V. Sudhakara Reddy, Dr. M. Damodar Reddy
COVID Fuzzy Approach; Particle Swarm Optimization; D-STATCOM; Feeder Reconfiguration.
This paper explores feeder reconfiguration alongside distributed static compensator (D-STATCOM) in distribution systems. An efficient method is present to optimize the radial distribution structure by means of reconfiguration along with allocation of distributed static compensator. Network Reconfiguration of distribution system is a momentous way of revising the power flow through the various alternative lines with an objective of minimizing real power loss distribution system. A precise and load flow algorithm is useful and the objective function is formulated to solve the fitness function, which includes D-STATCOM for reactive power compensation to minimize the power losses. Particle swarm optimization is exploited to restructure and recognize the best strap switches for minimization of real power loss in a distribution network. Fuzzy analysis is projected to find the optimal location of D-STATCOM. Variational Technique is used to identify the optimal size of D-STATCOM. This has been tested on IEEE 33-bus system to prove the adequacy of the technique using MATLAB software.
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[10] Seyed Abbas Taher, Seyed Ahmadreza Afsari, “Optimal location and sizing of DSTATCOM in distribution systems by immune algorithm”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems 60, pp.34–44, 2014.
[11] Joseph Sanam, Sanjib Ganguly, A. K. Panda, ” Placement of DSTATCOM in Radial Distribution Systems for the Compensation of Reactive Power”, IEEE, 2015.
[12] Atma Ram Gupta, Ashwani Kumar, “Energy savings using D-STATCOM placement in radial distribution System”, Procedia Computer Science 70, pp.558 – 564, 2015.
[13] Hossein Karami, Behrooz Zaker, Behrooz Vahidi & Gevork Babamalek Gharehpetian, “Optimal Multi-objective Number, Locating, and Sizing of Distributed Generations and Distributed Static Compensators Considering Loadability using the Genetic Algorithm” Electric Power Components and Systems, pp.1-11, Oct-2016.
Received : 19 October 2020
Accepted : 21 December 2020
Published : 07 January 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i4.2020.74025
Distribution Network Reconfiguration and D-STATCOM Allocation using Variational Technique