Rakshitha Ravi
Battery Management System; Open Circuit Voltage; Kalman Filter; State of Charge.
In Present scenario Internal Combustion Engines [ICE] is overcome by Electric Vehicles [EV] due to advantages like reduction in carbon-di-oxide [CO2] emission cost. Advancement in electric vehicles is extensively happening and one such concept is Battery management system [BMS] in Battery Electric vehicle. In electric vehicle battery, there are many types of batteries and from the literature survey Lithium Ion Battery are more suitable because it is advantageous in weight, cost, energy density and lots of aspects. Battery might be overcharged or going to undergo faults. Hence a reliable management system is required to control the Electric vehicle [EV]. In this paper two battery charge estimation models namely, open circuit voltage and Kalman filter has been considered. From the simulation results obtained it is found that data retrieval is difficult in open circuit voltage method can be achieved using Kalman filter and found out to be satisfactory.
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Received : 27 September 2020
Accepted : 13 December 2020
Published : 07 January 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i4.2020.74023
Charge and Health Status Estimation of a Lithium Ion Battery in an Electric Vehicle using Cell Balancing IOT Modeling Techniques