Muhammad Alkirom Wildan, Alif Jian Permana Putra, Mochamad Ali Imron
Digital Age; Consumption; Cashless; National Income; Inflation
Fiscal and Monetary policies require macroeconomic analysis to look at the consumption instrument, one of them is household consumption as one of the sources of national income, and inflation along with consumption. Knowing and analyzing the effect of cashless payments, digital payment, national income, and inflation in part on consumption. To make a good policy to be economic well-being, we need to conduct deeper research, and the authors have been conducted the research and tried to explain the macroeconomics issues in the digital age. The research data is secondary data in the form of a quarterly time series from 2010 to 2019 with quantitative analysis. The analysis technique used is the Double Linear Regression analysis technique using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model. The results showed that the cashless economy and inflation simultaneously affect the consumption in Indonesia.
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[12] Kandel, Shmuan., Ofer, Aharon R. & Sarig Oded. (2016). Real interest rates and inflation:An exante empirical analysis. The Journal of Finance. 6(9), pp. 1-23
[13] Kuncoro, Mudrajat. (2016). Economic Development. Publisher: Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
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[19] Nugroho, Anton. (2018). Factors Affecting Consumer Interest In Electronic Money Usage With Theory Of Planned Behavior (Tpb). Bogor: Master of Management and Business, Business School Bogor Agricultural University, 3(2), p. 15-27.
[20] Oyewole, Oginni Simon, J., Abba,M., &Onuh, M.E. (2013). Electronic Payment System and Economic Growth: A Review of Transition to Cashless Economy in Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, (No.9). pp. 23-34
[21] Pohan,Aulia. (2018). Monetary Policy Framework and Its Implementation in Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
[22] Pramono, Bambang, Tri Yuniarti. (2016). Impact of Non-Cash Payments on the Economy and Monetary Policy. Working Paper Bank Indonesia, 3(2), p. 145- 170.
[23] Rahyuda,I. K. (2014). Methodological Research. Denpasar: Faculty of Economics Udayana University.
[24] Ramadani, Laila. (2012). Effect of the Use of Debit Cards and Electronic Money (E- Money) on Student Consumption Expenditure. Journal of Economics and Development Studies. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-8.
[25] Bank Indonesia. (2016). Perceptions, Preferences and Behaviors of the Community and Service Provider Institutions towards Non-Cash Payment System Payments. Bank of Indonesia.
[26] Sugiyono. (2018). Business Research Methods, Bandung: Alfabeta.
[27] Sivasakthi, N. R. & Nandhini, M. (2017). Cashless Transaction: Modes, Advantages and Disadvantages. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(1), 122-125.
[28] Sugiyono.(2017). Quantitative, Qualitative, and R&D. Bandung Research Methods: Alfabeta.
[29] Sukiati. (2016). Research Methodology, Medan: Perdana Publishing.
[30] Sukirmo, Sadono. (2019). Modern Macroeconomics. Jakarta: PT. King Drafindo Persada.
[31] Suparmoko. (2015). Quantitative Research Methods of Theory and Application on Research in the Field of Islamic Management and Economics. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group.
[32] Todaro,Michael P. and Stephen C. Smith. (2020). Economic Development (11th Edition) Volume 1. Jakarta: Publisher Erlangga.
[33] Wildan. (2021). Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Natural Gas Export Management. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021, vol. 11, issue 1, 639-644
[34] Imron, M. A. (2021). Economy in Times of Crisis: An Economic Analysis of the Energy Policy during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS), Volume 8, Issue 2, April – June 2021, pp. 85-90. DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82011
[35] Untoro, Priyo, and Arifin. (2014). Use of Payment System Instruments as Leading Macroeconomic Indicators. Jakarta:Bank Indonesia, 3(8), p. 185-189.
[36] Waluyo. (2013). Taxation of Indonesia. Jakarta: Salemba Four.
[37] Warjiyo,Perry., and Solikin. (2013) monetary policy in Indonesia. Jakarta: PPSK BI.
Received : 16 October 2021
Accepted : 07 February 2022
Published : 11 February 2022
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v9.i1.2022.91004