The Triple Layered Business Model Canvas: A Tool for Sustainability

Richard Midgley, Dr. Sheerali Arya
Stakeholder Perspective; Business Models; Triple Layered Business; Sustainability.
The Triple Layered Business Model Canvas is a platform for experimenting with new business models that are focused on sustainability. It adds two levels to the original business model canvas: an environmental layer based on a lifecycle perspective and a social layer based on stakeholder perspectives (Cardeal, Höse, Ribeiro, & Götze, 2020). The three layers of the business model, when examined collectively, make clear how an organization generates different sorts of value – economic, environmental, and social. Visually depicting a business model using this canvas tool aids in establishing and communicating a more holistic and integrated perspective of a business model, as well as in creatively innovating towards more sustainable business models (Daou, et al., 2020). This review article analyzes the triple layer business model canvas tool and highlights its essential characteristics. By providing a design tool that structures sustainability challenges in business model innovation, this tool adds to sustainable business model research.
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Received : 17 October 2021
Accepted : 31 January 2022
Published : 08 February 2022
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v9.i1.2022.91002
