Dr. P. Nivetha
Information and Communication Technology; ICT; College Libraries; Adoption; Computers; Library Professionals.
In this research, the use of ICTs in India by librarians, particularly in the use of mobile phones, was the focus of this study. To gather the required data for the research, surveys were performed and this approach was implemented. The questionnaire was presented to eight librarians from eight teacher college libraries in the subject of study who responded to it, and the results were used to inform the research. According to the conclusions of the study’s materials, ICT use by professional librarians in India is still a relatively recent phenomena, and as a result, it is still in its early phases. The study showed that while libraries utilise information and communications technology (ICT) to deliver some services, these services are insufficient in part as a result of challenges such as a lack of money, a scarcity of trained personnel, and a lack of managerial support. According to the findings of this study, college librarians should get training in information and communications technology literacy since ICT is a dynamic, continuously practising, and training environment that they should take advantage of, as demonstrated by the results of the study. It was proposed that students have access to contemporary ICT instruments, such PCs, printers and scanners, to help them with their home maintenance tasks in order to enhance the administration of educational institutions. The recommendation was also made that libraries should get sufficient help in this respect. The research also advised that college bibliographers participate in attachment programmes with the help of students at the major university libraries to understand the finest practises of modern librarians.
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[6] Okon, M. E., &Ogbodo, C. I. (2014). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a Necessity for Libraries and Librarians of Nigerian Universities in the 21 st Century. 1(1), 39–54.
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[13] Mahanta, P. K., & Das, D. (2019). Application of ICT in the College Libraries of Assam. 10(2), 317–322.
[14] Uddin, J., & Hasan, N. (2012). Use of information technology in library service: A study on some selected libraries in norther part of.4 (March), 34–44.
[15] Chisenga, J. (2015). Library Users, ICTs and Libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1–16
[16] Victoria, A., &Anthonia, O. O. (2017). Uses and Application of information and communication technologies in academic libraries in Nasarawa State. International Journal of Communication: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication Studies, 2002, 49–57
[17] Akintunde, S. A. (2004). Libraries as tools for ICT development.
[18] Igben, M. J., & Akobo, D. I. (2007). State of information and communication technology (ICT) in libraries in Rivers State, Nigeria. African Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science, 17(2).
[19] Kumar, B. S., &Biradar, B. S. (2010). Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey. Program.
[2] Uddin, J., & Hasan, N. (2012). Use of information technology in library service: A study on some selected libraries in northern part of. 4(March), 3444.
[3] Kalam, A., Nasiruddin, S. M., & Sayeed, M. A. (2011). The Adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the University Libraries of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study. February 2011, 153–164.
[4] Mahanta, P. K., & Das, D. (2019). Application of ICT in the College Libraries of Assam. 10(2), 317–322.
[5] Chisenga, J. (2015). Library Users, ICTs and Libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1–16.
[6] Okon, M. E., &Ogbodo, C. I. (2014). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a Necessity for Libraries and Librarians of Nigerian Universities in the 21 st Century. 1(1), 39–54.
[7] Dzandza, P. E. (2019). Use and Management of Information Systems in Academic in Ghana. University of Western Cape.
[8] Anie, S. O. and Achugbue, E. I. (2009). “Library information and communication technology in Nigerian universities”. Library Hi Tech News, 26(7), pp.8 – 10
[9] Shukla, A., &Sialai, S. (2016). ICT application in academic libraries. Academic Libraries, Issues and Challenges, 62-71.
[10] Adeleke, A. A. (2005). Use of library resources by academic staff of the Nigerian Polytechnics. Journal of library science, 12(2), 15-24.
[11] Iddrees, H. (1995). A Study of Automation in Libraries of lahore. University of Punjab.
[12] Ramzan, M., & Singh, D. (2009). Status of Information Technology Applications in Pakistani Libraries. The Electronic Library, 27(4), 537–587.
[13] Mahanta, P. K., & Das, D. (2019). Application of ICT in the College Libraries of Assam. 10(2), 317–322.
[14] Uddin, J., & Hasan, N. (2012). Use of information technology in library service: A study on some selected libraries in norther part of.4 (March), 34–44.
[15] Chisenga, J. (2015). Library Users, ICTs and Libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1–16
[16] Victoria, A., &Anthonia, O. O. (2017). Uses and Application of information and communication technologies in academic libraries in Nasarawa State. International Journal of Communication: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication Studies, 2002, 49–57
[17] Akintunde, S. A. (2004). Libraries as tools for ICT development.
[18] Igben, M. J., & Akobo, D. I. (2007). State of information and communication technology (ICT) in libraries in Rivers State, Nigeria. African Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science, 17(2).
[19] Kumar, B. S., &Biradar, B. S. (2010). Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey. Program.
Received :19 August 2021
Accepted :22 September 2021
Published :28 September 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i3.2021.83019