Dr. D. Murugan
Green Banking; ATM; Green Mobile Banking; Green Credit Cards; Green Mortgage Loan
The goal of green banking, often known as ethical banking, is to safeguard the environment and lessen the carbon footprint left by banking operations. By integrating operational improvements and technological know-how into banking business operations, it helps banks to make environmentally friendly investments. Priority lending has been established by green banking for sectors that are already green or are making efforts to become green. Using biodegradable materials and improving energy efficiency are two goals of turning green. The success of banks is heavily reliant on the success of their customers. Banks must carefully verify that all legal and environmental requirements are being met by the customer’s projects because failing to do so could result in nonperforming assets for the banks. Going green is a new idea in India, and Indian banks have embraced it in many different ways.
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[2] Anitha, B. And Rao, S.P. (1998). Quality of Work Life in Commercial Banks. Discovery Publishing House.
[3] Bahl, Sarita. (2012). The Role of Green Banking in Sustainable Growth. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services and Management Research. Ludhiana. 1(2), 27-35.
[4] Bonin, H. (2016). Colonial and Imperial Banking History. Routledge Publications.
[5] Dadabhoy, B. (2013). Barons of Banking. Random House India.
[6] Gibbs, D. and O’Neill, K. (2012). Green Entrepreneurship: Building a Green Economy? – Evidence from UK. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. Volume 2.
[7] Kiesel , F. and Spohnholtz, J. (2017). CDS spreads as an independent measure of Credit Risk. The Journal of Risk Finance. Volume 18(2).
[8] Roux, M. (2015). Finance Otherwise: The End of Banks? International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. Volume 24.
[9] Saleuddin, R. (2014). Reputation Risk Management in Financial Firms: protecting some small investors. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. Volume 22(4).
[10] Sharma, K. (2013). Green Banking in India: A Roadmap to Success. IBMRD’s Journal of Management and Research .Volume 2 (1).
[2] Anitha, B. And Rao, S.P. (1998). Quality of Work Life in Commercial Banks. Discovery Publishing House.
[3] Bahl, Sarita. (2012). The Role of Green Banking in Sustainable Growth. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services and Management Research. Ludhiana. 1(2), 27-35.
[4] Bonin, H. (2016). Colonial and Imperial Banking History. Routledge Publications.
[5] Dadabhoy, B. (2013). Barons of Banking. Random House India.
[6] Gibbs, D. and O’Neill, K. (2012). Green Entrepreneurship: Building a Green Economy? – Evidence from UK. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. Volume 2.
[7] Kiesel , F. and Spohnholtz, J. (2017). CDS spreads as an independent measure of Credit Risk. The Journal of Risk Finance. Volume 18(2).
[8] Roux, M. (2015). Finance Otherwise: The End of Banks? International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. Volume 24.
[9] Saleuddin, R. (2014). Reputation Risk Management in Financial Firms: protecting some small investors. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. Volume 22(4).
[10] Sharma, K. (2013). Green Banking in India: A Roadmap to Success. IBMRD’s Journal of Management and Research .Volume 2 (1).
Received :17July2022
Accepted :05December2022
Published :29December2022
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v9.i4.2022.94001