Prof. Samir A. Hamouda, Maqboula Khamis Ibrahim, Mohamed Belhasan Mohamed
Methods and Technologies; Vibration; Rotation; Visible Light; Spectroscopy
The electromagnetic spectrum classifies and explores the properties of electromagnetic radiation. This classification does not contradict the concept of wave and particle, only the type of interaction between radiation and the medium can produce accurate interpretation of the final experimental results. This paper outlines the most relevant experimental techniques evolved from understanding the electromagnetic spectrum and their technologies.
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[3] Samir A Hamouda, et al. (2018),” Circular Polarization Of Photons For Magnetic Materials Studies”, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management, Volume-4, Issue-12.
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[7] Electrophoresis (, accessed on 10.09.2021.
[8] Rotational_1-ARE.ppt (, accessed on 10.09.2021.
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[10] MSc Chemistry Paper-IX Unit-4.pdf (, accessed on 11.09.2021.
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[24] UK_ANDO_Solis-S_3AN.pdf (
[25] JPSS Understanding Infrared Light_Teacher-Parent Activity Manual_Final.pdf (, accessed on 12.09.2021.
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[2] Samir. A. Hamouda, (2016), “Gamma-Ray Compton Spectroscopy of Tungsten Using 662 Kev Gamma-Ray Radiation”, Mordovia University, Bulletin, Vol. 26, no. 2, 211-217
[3] Samir A Hamouda, et al. (2018),” Circular Polarization Of Photons For Magnetic Materials Studies”, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management, Volume-4, Issue-12.
[4] MSc Chemistry Paper-IX Unit-2.pdf (, accessed on 11.09.2021.
[5] Microsoft PowerPoint – MODULE 25 (, accessed on 11.09.2021.
[6] Kevin V. Hackshaw., et al., (2020),” Vibrational Spectroscopy for Identification of Metabolites in Biologic Samples”., Molecules, 25, 4725; doi:10.3390/molecules25204725 molecules-25-04725 (1).pdf.
[7] Electrophoresis (, accessed on 10.09.2021.
[8] Rotational_1-ARE.ppt (, accessed on 10.09.2021.
[9] Untitled Document (, accessed on 12.09.2021.
[10] MSc Chemistry Paper-IX Unit-4.pdf (, accessed on 11.09.2021.
[11] Slide 1 (, accessed on 13.09.2021.
[12] PowerPoint Presentation ( accessed on 12.09.2021.
[13] X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics accessed on 10.09.2021.
[14] GammaExp-min.pdf (, accessed on 14.09.2021.
[15] Physics of Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Measurements (, accessed on 10.09.2021.
[16] 0751 – H122 – Basic Health Physics – 22 – Gamma Spectroscopy Overview. (, accessed on 10.09.2021.
[17] 137cs spectrum with mca – https://www.gammaspectacular. com/blue/cs137-spectrum, accessed on 14.09.2021.
[18] Light-Poster.pdf, accessed on 11.09.2021.
[19] 24 Electromagnetic waves.pdf (, accessed on 11.09.2021.
[20] Electromagnetic spectrum – q=electromagnetic+spectrum&oq=electromagnetic+spectrum&aqs=chrome. 0.69i59j0i512l9.1400j0j4 & sourceid = chrome&ie=UTF-8, accessed on 14.09.2021.
[21] Optical properties (, accessed on 11.09.2021.
[22] Ultraviolet radiation | Definition, Examples, Effects, Wavelengths, Types, & Facts | Britannica
[23] B L Diffey., (1980), “Ultraviolet radiation physics and the skin”, Review Article., Phys . Med . Biol., V01 . 25 . No . 3. 405-426 . Printed in Great Britain
[24] UK_ANDO_Solis-S_3AN.pdf (
[25] JPSS Understanding Infrared Light_Teacher-Parent Activity Manual_Final.pdf (, accessed on 12.09.2021.
[26] Infrared Radiation (, accessed on 14.09.2021.
Received : 02 October 2021
Accepted : 21 December 2021
Published : 27 December 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v8.i4.2021.84025