Zacharia George
Funicular Shells; Brick Shells; Lift Slab; Filler Slabs; Concrete Reinforcing Bars; 3 D Steel Structures; Space Frames; Braced Domes; Hyperbolied Shells; Large Panel Prefabrication; Reinforced Earth Design of RCC Elements.
Construction sector is a down to earth activity. Any industrial research in this sector should end up as results applicable in field are it in design or construction. Author describes a number of products / processes he developed as Researcher at CSIR-SERC and applied extensively in India at projects of technology transfer, from SERC and later in his career as Consultant in the Industry. These were to increase productivity, improve quality and to optimize use of critical materials as also to save construction time.
[1] Zacharia George, N. Sethuraman Waffle Shells – SERC Publications,1975
[2] Zacharia George, K Mani, Brick Shells on Moveable Forms for Single Storey Buildings,Indian Concrete Journal 1978
[3] Zacharia George, K Mani , Large Panel Prefabrication, UNDP Workshop SERC, Chennai 1978.
[4] Zacharia George et al, Concrete reinforcement State of the Art Report , International Symposiums (SERC) , Chennai 1982
[5] Zacharia George Structural Engineering in India, Journal of Structural Engineering Practices Vol 1 1982, USA
[6] Zacharia George , Cost Effective Construction Methods- FIP Bulletin , 1982
[7] Zacharia George, Cathedral Building At Varanasi, Indian Concrete Journal, 1990
[8] Zacharia George, et al Concrete Constructions Practices, including Formwork ICI –IWC 1993, Bangalore
[9] Zacharia George, Damages to Concrete and Repairs thereon CIPET Conference, Ahemdabad, 1995
[10] Zacharia George, Civil Engineering – Practical Approach IE(I) TNSC Seminar 2014
[11] Zacharia George, P.D Gupta, N. Balachander, IE(I) Annual Technical Volume – Architectural Engineering 2019
[12] Zacharia George, My 30 years of R&D with CSIR, SERC and its Social Relevance, CPWA Annual Convention , Chennai 2020
[2] Zacharia George, K Mani, Brick Shells on Moveable Forms for Single Storey Buildings,Indian Concrete Journal 1978
[3] Zacharia George, K Mani , Large Panel Prefabrication, UNDP Workshop SERC, Chennai 1978.
[4] Zacharia George et al, Concrete reinforcement State of the Art Report , International Symposiums (SERC) , Chennai 1982
[5] Zacharia George Structural Engineering in India, Journal of Structural Engineering Practices Vol 1 1982, USA
[6] Zacharia George , Cost Effective Construction Methods- FIP Bulletin , 1982
[7] Zacharia George, Cathedral Building At Varanasi, Indian Concrete Journal, 1990
[8] Zacharia George, et al Concrete Constructions Practices, including Formwork ICI –IWC 1993, Bangalore
[9] Zacharia George, Damages to Concrete and Repairs thereon CIPET Conference, Ahemdabad, 1995
[10] Zacharia George, Civil Engineering – Practical Approach IE(I) TNSC Seminar 2014
[11] Zacharia George, P.D Gupta, N. Balachander, IE(I) Annual Technical Volume – Architectural Engineering 2019
[12] Zacharia George, My 30 years of R&D with CSIR, SERC and its Social Relevance, CPWA Annual Convention , Chennai 2020
Received : 10 October 2020
Accepted : 11February 2021
Published : 20 February 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v8.i1.2021.81007