Abstract :
Cloud computing is one of today’s most exciting technology because of its cost-reducing, flexibility, and scalability. With the fast growing of cloud computing technology, Data security becomes more and more important in it. In evaluating whether to move to cloud computing, it is important to compare benefits and also risks of it. Thus, security and other existed issues in the cloud cause cloud clients need more time to think about moving to cloud environments. But Security-related topics is one of the most arguable issues in the cloud computing which caused several enterprises looks to this technology uncertainly and move toward it warily. Virtualization is a term that refers to the abstraction of computer resources. The purpose of virtual computing environment is to improve resource utilization by providing a unified integrated operating platform for users and applications based on aggregation of heterogeneous and autonomous resources. More recently, virtualization at all levels (system storage, and network) became important again as a way to improve system security, reliability and availability, reduce costs and provide greater flexibility