Paper Submission
What kind of Paper does Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ) publish?
Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ) aims to publish highly scholar articles in all the areas of Engineering, Science and Mathematics such as environmental science, pure and applied mathematics, agricultural research and engineering, mechanical, civil, electronics, biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, Healthcare sciences (including clinical medicine, preventive medicine & public health), physics, biophysics, computer science, chemistry, bio engineering and other similar fields. The Authors can submit original research papers, survey papers, case studies, extended version of previously published or presented research work. The articles should be in ESIJ Journal template (word) format.
How do I submit my Paper?
The Author needs to send their paper via Article Submission link or to Immediately they will receive an auto-response mail to acknowledge the receipt of the article. Within 2 days, the editorial support person will send the status of the manuscript after the preliminary review.
How does the review process work?
Any article submitted to ESIJ is scrutinized by two review process. In preliminary review, the Editor-in-Chief checks the suitability, presentation, sentence quality and plagiarism of the article. Then the approved manuscripts are considered for a secondary review.
The secondary review of the article is done through a double blinded peer review by the review committee, after the removal of author’s name and contact details to ensure an unbiased review process.
The secondary review of the article is done through a double blinded peer review by the review committee, after the removal of author’s name and contact details to ensure an unbiased review process.
How do you select the Review Committee?
The formation of the review committee for each paper is based on specialization in the subject area and consent of the Reviewer. The committee is a panel of two eminent academicians or industrial experts from ESIJ Editorial and Review board.
How much time is needed to complete the review process?
The minimum time for the review of any manuscript is 30-45 days, depending upon the number of research paper in queue. The review time is primarily mandated by the reviewers. However, editorial board periodically communicate with review committee members for the developments of the review process.
What to do, if not received any notification after 45 days?
Sometimes, the notification mail may be directed to your mail spam folder. If this is not the case, you can write to So within 24 hours you shall be intimated the status of your article.
How many pages can consist in an article?
The author can submit an article of maximum 8 pages in ESIJ template. However, based on the merit of the research work, appropriate relaxations are granted by ESIJ.
How long it takes to publish an accepted article?
Minimum 10 – 15 days are needed for Accepted articles to publish online. Hard copy publication reaches to the author on quarterly basis (After the completion of that particular issue).
What is the type of publication?
ESIJ publishes both online and print version. ESIJ has separate ISSN number for online and print publication.
What is the frequency of publication?
ESIJ publishes on quarterly basis. That is 4 issues per year. But online publication is updated accordingly after the acceptance of the review and publication payment.
Is there any publication charges?
No. There is no publication charge.
Is it possible to subscribe ESIJ for me/ my College/ my University?
To subscribe ESIJ, the authorized person/ representative of the Institution can write to Since ESIJ is an open access Journal, anyone can download any article form ESIJ website.
How can I register a complaint?
You can send your complaints to with Journal name, if applicable. Our technical person will contact you within 24 hours to resolve the problem .
Conference Proceedings / Special Issue Publication
How can I make a special issue of ESIJ / Can we publish our conference proceedings with ESIJ?
Yes. You can send a requisition mail to Once the approval is granted by the editorial board, the authorised person shall be intimated to submit the articles.
How much time is taken for the approval?
The approval shall be given within 2-3 days, if necessary information is received on time.
How much time is needed to publish?
It depends up on the Review process and typesetting.
What is the paper format?
ESIJ recommends the organiser or authorised person to accept the final paper in ESIJ template.
Is it necessary to conduct review by us?
The organisers have the choice to do appropriate review. However, all submitted papers will be considered for ESIJ preliminary and secondary review process.
What is the maximum number of articles can be submitted?
There is no limit in the number of non-plagiarized and high quality articles that can be submitted to ESIJ.