Publication Ethics
Author(s) must assure that no part of manuscript reporting original work is being considered for publication or review in whole or in part elsewhere. The corresponding author of the article must affirm that all other authors have read and approved the manuscript. The author must also assure that the manuscript is original and has not been plagiarized / copied from any source / individual. It does not contravene on the rights of others and does not contain any unlawful statements and all references have been duly acknowledged in appropriate places.
Copyright Policy
Authors publishing with International Journal of Linguistics and Computer Applications (IJLCA) retain the copyright of their work under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license lets others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author(s) for the original creation.
Covering Letter
At the time of article submission, the corresponding author is required to submit pre-defined covering letter along with the manuscript. It is to ensure the ownership of the author(s) over the article and to transfer publication rights to the International Journal of Linguistics and Computer Applications. Author(s) can download the covering letter by clicking here.
Use of Human or Animal Subjects
While reporting experiments on human subjects, author(s) should specify whether the procedures followed were in accordance with any ethical standards set by a governing committee responsible for human experimentation (i.e., if applicable, a university review board) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. If the author(s) are doubtful that whether they conducted the research work in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, in a separate document they must explain the rationale for their work, and, if presented before a review body, express that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the research. Human subject related researches are required to state in the manuscript that all human subjects were provided with the approved informed consent.
While reporting experiments on animals, author(s) should specify whether the research work is guided and approved by institution or the National Research Council, or national law on, the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should be written in concise, clear and grammatically correct Language. It is recommended that the author can ask colleagues or superiors to read the article prior to submission to ensure it is of a high standard and conforms to a high level of technical writing. Authors may download IJLCA Journal template by clicking here. The chronological orders of topics to be included in the article are,
- Title of the Article
- Author name and affiliation
- Abstract (It has to cover all sections of the article)
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Literature Survey (existing or available work in the topic) / (optional)
- Materials and Methods / Contribution of the Author(s)
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- References
Title of the Article
The title should be concise and specific to the topic of the manuscript. It should be in Times New Roman 17 point and all the words must be in title case except prepositions and conjunctions. The Authors are requested to avoid using abbreviations in title.
Author name and affiliation
The Author(s) full name should be included in this part (Times New Roman 11 point font). The corresponding Author name should be at the first and mark with hash symbol and one (#1) in superscripts. The asterisk (*) symbol with numbers can be used against the remaining Authors, according to the order. Affiliation detail includes designation, department, university/ college/ organization, city and country for all authors. The corresponding Author’s mail id should attach with affiliation. Use Times New Roman with italic style and 9 points for the affiliation and mail id of the Authors.
All manuscript must include a brief but informative Abstract. The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. It should describe rationale for the research, scope, techniques used, hypothesis and the main findings, without going into methodological details. The abstract should not exceed 300 words. Do not make references nor display equations in the abstract. The abstract should allow the reader to quickly have a clear idea about the rational for the work, the methodologies and experiments conducted and the results before reading the rest of the article.
It is imperative that the margins and style described below be adhered to carefully. This will enable us to keep uniformity in the final printed copies of the Journal. It must be in Times New Roman 10 point size for all contents except headings.
Authors should provide three to five (3-5) keywords below the Abstract to assist with indexing of the manuscript, and it must be separated by semicolon. Key words should be in Times New Roman with italic style and 10 points size. It should be in title case and avoid the use of general and plural terms.
The introduction of the paper should briefly explain the nature of the problem, objectives, contribution of the paper and provide enough background information to clarify why the research was undertaken and what hypothesis were tested. The contents of each section may be provided to understand easily about the paper.
Literature Survey
Literature Survey is not mandatory in manuscripts. It is considered as the base for the research work. The literature survey explains existing or available research works in the same field and the lead to the current research.
Materials and Methods
This section should be concise but provide sufficient detail of the material or equipment used and the procedure followed to allow the work to be repeated by others.
For the better understanding of the content, the author(s) can make headings for each segment of the work. We encourage the author(s) to number article headings and sub-headings as mention below. Headings and sub-headings should be in title case except prepositions and conjunctions. In case, the sub-headings are not there in your article, no need to put any sub-headings. For example,
2. Headings – (Times New Roman 11 point bold)
2.1 Sub-headings – (Times New Roman 10 point bold italics)
All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified.
This is the place to present the logical sequence of the text, resultant tables, graphs and figures. Repetitive presentation of the same data in tables and figures should be avoided. All sample calculations and statistical analyses should be presented in this section. The results should not contain material appropriate to the Discussion.
The results should be discussed in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the Introduction. It contains the comment on results and places the study in the context of other work reported in the literature. Only in exceptional cases should the ‘Result and Discussion’ section be combined. For the effective interpretation of result, refer tables, graphs and figures by numbers.
This section should indicate clearly the advantages, limitations, and possible applications of the paper. Although a conclusion may review the main points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. The contribution of the work to the scientific community and its economic implications should be emphasized. A conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications and enhancements.
If the Author desired, to acknowledge any one who contributed to the work but do not fit the criteria for Author. The source of financial support must be acknowledged. The technical and editing support may also be acknowledged. This section comes after the conclusion and should not be numbered.
This part includes only cited text references (only published manuscripts). Each reference is referred to in the text by a number enclosed in a square bracket (i.e., [1]). References must be accurate, completed and numbered, and ordered according to where they are first mentioned in the paper, not alphabetically. Minimum 10-15 references should be included in each article. The format of reference is given below.
[1] First Author, Second Author, “Title of the Article”, Journal Name, Volume No, Issue No, Month and Year of Publication, Page Numbers.
For an example,
[5] Ka Hideto, A, Taka Yokoi, “Temporal Data Mining with Visualization of Medical Data”, IRDP International Journal, Volume 129, Issue 1, December 2007, pp. 1304- 1308.
For books, book chapters, conference proceedings and thesis, you can include the name of the book, edition number, publisher name, Place of publication / conference, year of the publication and page numbers.
All abbreviations should be defined on first use in the text along with the abbreviation in parenthesis [e.g., Genetic Algorithm (GA)].
Figures and Tables
Figures and tables should be sized to fit and centered within the column. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Any table or figure that takes up more than 1 column width must be positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the page.
All illustrations (photographs and line drawings) are classified as figures. Figures should be cited in consecutive order in the text. Photographs should be sharp and magnifications should be indicated on photographs using a scale bar. Graphics may be full colour and should be supplied as high-resolution (at least 300 d.p.i.) electronic files. Graphics should not use stipple fill patterns because they may not be reproduced properly. Please use only solid fill colours which contrast well both on online version and on a black-and-white hardcopy. Line figures should be supplied as sharp, black and white or colour diagrams, drawn with a computer graphics package. Figure captions should be in Times New Roman 9 – point bold. They should be numbered (e.g., Fig. 1). Figure’s captions should be centered beneath the image or picture. The legend should incorporate definitions of any symbols used and all abbreviations and units of measurement should be explained so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text.
Tables should be self-contained and the data should not be duplicated in figures. The table should be numbered (e.g., Table 1) consecutively. Table captions should be centered above the table body. The table heading should be in Times New Roman 9 – point bold and content must be in Times New Roman 9 – point. It should be center aligned. Column heading should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses. All abbreviations should be defined below the table.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when judgement concerning the research or study, which is influenced by factors like personal relationship or financial gain. All author(s) are obligatory to disclose any personal, financial or other factors that may influence or be perceived to influence their work.
Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Linguistics and Computer Applications undergoes extensive evaluation while it is in the peer-review process. For detailed information of IJLCA Editorial workflow / Review Process, click here.
Manuscript Revisions
Once the final review is completed, the corresponding author will be required to resubmit the revised manuscript using IJLCA Journal template within 5 working days. Alteration to the text, tables and figures, other than the essential correction of errors based on review report, are unacceptable at this stage and author(s) may be charged for excessive alterations.
Production Process & First Proof
As part of publication process, the accepted manuscripts will be processed through typesetting to generate the first proof. In this stage, if any missing elements or disparities, corresponding author will be contacted by the Journal editing team. For the finalization of edited files, Author(s) will receive the first proof of their manuscript in PDF format to resolve any pending queries. Authors are advised not to send any corrections at the proof stage and are requested to co-operate with the Editorial team to ensure smooth workflow and timely publication of the manuscript.
Author’s final Checklist before Submission
The Author(s) are recommended to check the following, before the submission of article. In case of any difficulty in submitting article, please get in touch with us at
- Covering letter.
- Manuscript is adhering to IJLCA guidelines.
- All author affiliations provided in manuscript.
- Corresponding author’s email id provided in manuscript.
- All figures and tables having caption and are cited in the text.
- References are in specified format.
- All referenced are cited in the content.