Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti, Mochamad Ali Imron
Land; Reform; Government Policy
Land policy is critical in land planning affairs. Some agrarian cases in various regions are evidence that Agrarian Law (UUPA) No. 5 the Year 1960 requires a review. Land redistribution was less than fruitful outcome, a study that carried out in PTSL BPN II Surabaya. This study aims to describe and analyze the impact of the PTSL program at BPN II Surabaya; find out the inhibiting factors; investigate the strategy and impact faced by Indonesia on land policy choice uses a descriptive qualitative research method. The finding indicates a lack of success in land redistribution as the national program that can be seen from the private sector orientation in the policy that the private sector can own 480.000 ha, should only get 25 ha based on UUPA No. 5 in the Year 1960. The advantage of land redistribution for the private sector is due to the investor-oriented private partnership policy. Whereas, the withdrawal budget causes the inhibiting factor for land redistribution in the PTSL context by the central government. The government’s strategy in the future must consider UUPA in applying land redistribution. It can be concluded that land reform policy has a positive impact if the land redistribution policy pays attention to the public interest.
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[23] Russel, Z.A., Ferris, G.R., Thompson, K.W., & Sikora, D.M. (2016, October). Overqualified Human Resources, Career Development Experiences, and Work Outcomes: Leveraging and Undertilized Resource with Political Skills. Human Resource Management Review, 26 (2), 125-135.
[24] Sari, Y. & Jumiati. 2019. Ongoing Evaluation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) in Padang City. Journal of Public Administration Students (JMIAP), 1 (3), 1-12.
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[26] Tanri, A., Bambang, E. T., Adya, P.P. (2020). Legal Certainty of Land Rights Through Complete Systematic Land Registration, Notarius, 13 (20), 777-787. php/notarius /article/view/31166
[27] Weiss, C.H. (1972). Evaluation Action Programs: Readings in Social Action and Education, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
[28] Widarbo, K. (2021). Problems of Agrarian Reform on the Redistribution Land of the Former HGU Tratak, Batang. Widya Bhumi Journal, 1 (1), 25-38. index.php/JWB/article/view/7
[29] Winarno, B. (2012). Public Policy: Theory, Process, and Case Studies. Jakarta: Center for Academic Publishing Service. PT. Fun Books.
[2] Akbari, M., Ehsan, N., Peyman, N. (2019). Evaluating Land Sustaibility for Spatial Planning in Arid Regions of Eastern Iran using Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Criteria Analysis. Journal Article, 4(98), 587-598.
[3] A.Michael, H., & Matthew B. Miles. 2019. Qualitative Data Analysis A Methods Sourcebook, Fourth Edition. Arizona State University, USA: SAGE Publiations
[4] Afandi, I., & Warijo. (2015). Implementation of Asahan Regency Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2011 concerning Regional Taxes in Achieving Land and Rural and Urban Building Tax Targets, Journal of Public Administration, 5 (2), 92-113.
[5] Dunn, William, N. (2012). Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall International, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
[6] Dunn, William, N. (2013). Introduction to Public Policy Analysis, 5th printing. Yogyakarta, Gajah Mada University Press.
[7] Fatimah, F.S. (2020). Effect of Technological Strategy on Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) Settlement in Kresana Subdistrict. Final Project. Joint Hope Polytechnic.
[8] Fauzi, A. (2022). Agrarian reform within the framework of regional autonomy. Journal of Law, 6 (2), 218-233. https://jurnal.fh. unpad.
[9] Ibrahim, A., Asrul, H.A., Madi, Baharuddin, Muhammad, A.A., & Darmawati. (2018). Research Methodology. Makassar, Gunadarma Science.
[10] Irawan, R. (2017). Evaluation of the People’s Service Program for Land Certificates (larasita) in Kampar District. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Student Online Journal, (2), 1-15.
[11] Isnaeni, D. (2017). Landreform Policy as the Application of the Political Renewal of Law that Paradigma Pancasila. General J., 1 (2), 83-97. 799
[12] Hamdani, T. (2019, January). These 25 Companies Control Oil Palm Land in Indonesia. Retrieved July 11, 2021 from https://finance. moneter/ d-4407823/25- perusahaan-i ni- kuasai- lahan-kelapa-sawit-di-ri
[13] Kalkavan, S., Katrinli, A., & Cetin, S.S. (2015). Structural Transformation of Turkish Insurance Sector and Leadership & Coaching Application for Human Resources Competency Development: Gune Insurance Company. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science, 210, 241-250. 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.364.
[14] Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Defense Agency. (2020, December 2). Raise EoDB’s ranking through land data integration. Retrieved July 8, 2022 from https://www.
[15] Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency. (2022, January 6). The Ministry of ATR/BPN Successfully Registered 10.7 Million Land Plots in 2021. Retrieved July 11, 2022 2F bpn-berhasil-daftarkan-10%2C7-juta-bidang-tanah-di-tahun-2021
[16] Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Defense Agency. (2022, May). Succeed the National Strategic Program of the Ministry of ATR / BPN through Government and Community Cooperation. Retrieved July 8, 2022 from
[17] Komariah, A., & Satori, D. (2017). Qualitative Research Methods. London, Alfabeta.
[18] Lubis, A.D., Novia, A., & Wahyu, H.P. (2021). Land Use Suitability for Pringsewu Regency Regional Spatial Plan (Case Study: Pringsewu District, Ambarawa District, and Pagelaran District). Journal of Defense, 11(2). https://jurnalpertanahan.atrbpn.go. id/index. php/jp/article/download/94/34/520
[19] Prakoso, B. (2021). Complete Systematic Land Registration As a Basis for Changes to the Republican System of Land Registration, Journal of Private and Economic Law, 1 (1), 63-82.
[20] Prasanti, D. (2018). Use of Communication Media for Adolescent Girls in Health Information Search. Journal of Lontar, 6 (1), 13-21.
[21] Center for Agrarian Studies. (2021, February). Press Release: IPB Finds 12 Potential Risks in UUCK Implementation. URL: https:// elease-ipb-temukan- 12-potensi-risiko-dalam-implementasi-uuck/
[22] Rahmani, A. (2020). Implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL). Thesis. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hangtuah University Surabaya.
[23] Russel, Z.A., Ferris, G.R., Thompson, K.W., & Sikora, D.M. (2016, October). Overqualified Human Resources, Career Development Experiences, and Work Outcomes: Leveraging and Undertilized Resource with Political Skills. Human Resource Management Review, 26 (2), 125-135.
[24] Sari, Y. & Jumiati. 2019. Ongoing Evaluation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) in Padang City. Journal of Public Administration Students (JMIAP), 1 (3), 1-12.
[25] SIGTORA. No Year. Overview of Agrarian Reform and Brief Profile of Agaria Arrangement. Retrieved July 8, 2022 from https:// sigtora.
[26] Tanri, A., Bambang, E. T., Adya, P.P. (2020). Legal Certainty of Land Rights Through Complete Systematic Land Registration, Notarius, 13 (20), 777-787. php/notarius /article/view/31166
[27] Weiss, C.H. (1972). Evaluation Action Programs: Readings in Social Action and Education, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
[28] Widarbo, K. (2021). Problems of Agrarian Reform on the Redistribution Land of the Former HGU Tratak, Batang. Widya Bhumi Journal, 1 (1), 25-38. index.php/JWB/article/view/7
[29] Winarno, B. (2012). Public Policy: Theory, Process, and Case Studies. Jakarta: Center for Academic Publishing Service. PT. Fun Books.
Received : 04 December 2022
Accepted : 16 March 2023
Published : 22 March 2023
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v10.i1.2023.10103