Ainun Nazriah
Work Ethic; Work Experience; Work Culture; Work Performance.
Employees are the main wealth of a company because its participation is the key to the running of a company’s activities, so it is important for the company to be able to optimize its employees in accordance with its function to become a quality and superior asset whose real form can be seen through performance of the officer’s work. Work performance is the result of work achieved by employees in a certain time in accordance with their duties and responsibilities. The Unitary Agency of the Nation, and Politics of Medan city is a local government organization in serving the community. In achieving the goals of the organization, the Unitary Agency of the Nation, Politics of Medan city must pay more attention to its employees. Factors that can influence work performance in this study are work ethic, work experience and work culture. This research aims to find out whether work ethics, work experience, and work culture partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the work performance of employees of the National Unity Agency, and Politics of Medan city. The data analysis technique used is a quantitative method with the help of the SPSS program version 26.0. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis. The population in this study was all employees of the National Unity, and Politics Agency of Medan city, and a sample of 43 respondents. Primary data retrieval using a questioner. The results showed that work ethic, work experience, and work culture partially and simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on the work performance of employees of the National Unity Agency, and Politics of Medan city.
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[3] Fikri, M. El, Ahmad, R., &Harahap, R. (2020). Strategies to Develop Online Shop Customer Satisfaction in Increasing Sales (Pyari Soap Case Study). Journal of Management Tools, 12(1), 87–105. 781107415324,004
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[10] Moeljono, Djokosantoso. 2014. Organizational Culture in Challenge. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo.
[11] Rivals Veithzal and Ella JauvaniSagala, 2013. Human Resource Management for the Company, Jakarta: PT. King GrafindoPersada.
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[16] Tika, Moh. Pabund. 2015. Organizational Culture and Improvement of Company Performance. Second print. Jakarta: Earth Script.
[17] Triguno. 2013. Work Culture. Jakarta: PT. Golden Trayon Press.
[18] Imron. M.A., 2021. Economic in term of crisis: An economic analysis during pandemic covid-19. International Journal of Management Research and Social Science, 8(2), 82-90
[19] Hutama, Adhyasaka. (2016). Influence of Work Experience, Work Motivation, and Work Satisfaction on Employee Performance. Sustainability 2020, 12, 6086; doi:10.3390/su12156086
[20] Contour, Bhargava R. (2014). Education and Work-Experience – Influence on the Performance. Ortisi, Christine. (2017). Retail Industry: Analysis of Ethics on Employee Job Performance.
[21] Safrizal. (2014). Influence of Work Culture, Ability and Commitment of Employees to Employee Performance and Impact on the Performance of Aceh Mining and Energy Office. International Journal of Research Science & Management. 5(5), 84-92.
[22] Saleha. (2016). The Influence of The Work Environment, Work Ethic and Work Culture on Employee Performance in the Bina Marga Office of Central Sulawesi Province. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(11), pp. 78-89.
[23] Sudarman, Enjang. (2018). Influence of Work Culture and Organizational Commitment to Public Service Performance in Pariwisata Office and Karawang Regency Culture. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 9(1), pp. 46-57.
Received :01 October 2021
Accepted :03 March 2022
Published :11 March 2022
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v9.i1.2022.91005