S. Karthik, Dr. N. Satish
Arduino; Smart Cane; Zero Update Algorithm; Servo; Assistive Technology; Wearable Computing; Machine Learning
In order to assist visually disabled persons, a research that significantly aids certain individuals in pacing more confidently has been suggested. The research proposes a smart walking glove that alerts visually disabled people about hazards and pits, and therefore the machine can assist them in walking with less injuries. It defines a more sophisticated navigational device for visually disabled people. It consists of a simple stroll fitted with sensors that provide environmental data. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is combined with a microcontroller for those who wish to assist their loved ones in keeping track of them. Ultrasonic sensors, GPS receivers, vibrators, Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) rulers, and batteries are all included in this statute. The traditional purpose of the system is to grant a convenience. The traditional purpose of the device is to provide a simple and effective tool for the inadvisable to solve their difficulties in everyday life. Technology and human lifestyles can no longer be isolated, and this has become a global issue. Is science, however, capable of assisting visually disabled people? The impediment between ben and ben is generally scored by blind people. For the Illogical people, mobility and action in accordance with pace and protection are described as men who are at ease in their surroundings unless they are counted among others. Cane or information dogs are commonly used to support the blind with their travel. However, there are some problems with the navigation support. Because the individual and as a result, use, the ferule grant small preview.
The ferule offers a small preview due to the human, and as a result, the consumer must be more vigilant in compliance with the speed than if the cell died slowly. Because of the knowledge dogs, educating and coordinating the dogs with illogical people is a challenging undertaking, but the end result is negligible.
The ferule offers a small preview due to the human, and as a result, the consumer must be more vigilant in compliance with the speed than if the cell died slowly. Because of the knowledge dogs, educating and coordinating the dogs with illogical people is a challenging undertaking, but the end result is negligible.
[1] Andrews Samraj ,Kalvina Reddy , “Suitability Analysis of Gestures for Emergency Response Communication by Patients, Elderly and Disabled while using Data Gloves”, Latest Trends in Information Technology. ISBN: 978-1-61804-134-0.
[2] Andrews samraj ,kalvinarajendran , ramaswamypalaniappan “A segmented mean feature extraction method for glove – base system to enhance physiotherapy for accurate and speedy Recuperation of limbs”. International conference on advances in computing, communication and informatics (ICACCI), Sep 2016 jaipur, India.
[3] ChuKiong Loo, Andrews Samraj and Gin Chong Lee, “Evaluation of methods for estimating fractal dimension in motor imagery based brain computer interface”, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID724697, 8 Pages Hindawi publishers.
[4] Karthik S, Satish N, and “An Investigation Study on Assistive Technology Using Soft Cyborg Techniques for Patients”UGC Care Journal (Purakala), ISSN: 0971-2143 Vol-31-Issue-04-April-2020
[5] Kalvina R, M. Rajavel , A. Samraj, “emergency gesture communication by patients elderly and differently abled with care takers using wearable data glove”
[6] KalvinaR, M. Rajavel , A. Samraj, “intact analysis of intra trials on assorted paradigms of gesture based communication systems”, international journal of engineering and technology (IJET) .
[7] L.K Simone, D.G kampre“Design considerations for a wearable monitor to measure finger posture “journal neuroengrehabil. Vol 2 page 5, 2005
[8] ShohelSayeed, S.Andrews , RosliBesar , and Loo Chu Kiong “ Forgery Detection in Dynamic Signature Verification by Entailing Principal Component Analysis “, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society , Volume 2007 , Article ID 70756 , 8 Pages , DOI :10.1155/2007/70756.
[9] assessed on 04/08/2017.
[10] Gentner, R. and Classen, J. (2009) ‘Development and evaluation of a low-cost sensor glove for assessment of human finger movements in neurophysiologic settings’, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 178. No. 1, pp.138–147.
[11] Heumer, G., Amor, H.B., Weber, M. and Jungm, B. (2007) ‘Grasp recognition with uncalibrated data gloves – a comparison of classification methods’, IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Dated March 10 – 14, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 1-4244-0906-3/07/$20.00
[12] Ibarguren, A., Maurtua, I. and Sierra, B. (2010) ‘Layered architecture for real time sign recognition: hand gesture and movement’, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Auburn, Washington, USA, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp.1216–1228.
[13] Kalvina, R., Samraj, A. and Maheswari, N. (2013) ‘Emergency communication interface design using wearable data gloves for weary patients’, International conference on Green High Performance Computing, Chunkankadai Nagercoil Tamilnadu India, DOI:10.1109/I.
[14] Kamel, N.S., Sayeed, S. and Ellis, G.A. (2008) ‘Glove-based approach to online signature verification’, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2008, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp.1109–1113.
[15] Oz, C., Sarawate, N.N. and Leu, M.C. (2004) ‘American sign language recognition with a sensory glove using artificial neural networks’, Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, ASME Press, Vol. 14, pp.633–638.
[16] Rajendran, K., Samraj, A. and Rajavel, M. (2013) ‘Emergency gesture communication by patients, elderly and differently abled with care takers using wearable data gloves’, Journal of Signal and Information Processing, Vol. 4, pp.1–9. DOI:10.4236/jsip.2013.41001.
[17] Samraj, A. and Rajendran, K. (2013) ‘Communication by gestures in personal emergency response system’, International Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, Dated 2013/9/13, Shillong Meghalaya INSPEC Accession Number: 13999912, pp.230–235. DOI: 10.1109/ ICETACS.2013.6691428.
[18] Samraj, A. and Selvaraj, K. (2017) ‘Burst detection in gesture reorganization for emergency communication using wearable data gloves’,International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT), Dated 25 & 26 October 2017 Al Ain, UAE
[2] Andrews samraj ,kalvinarajendran , ramaswamypalaniappan “A segmented mean feature extraction method for glove – base system to enhance physiotherapy for accurate and speedy Recuperation of limbs”. International conference on advances in computing, communication and informatics (ICACCI), Sep 2016 jaipur, India.
[3] ChuKiong Loo, Andrews Samraj and Gin Chong Lee, “Evaluation of methods for estimating fractal dimension in motor imagery based brain computer interface”, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID724697, 8 Pages Hindawi publishers.
[4] Karthik S, Satish N, and “An Investigation Study on Assistive Technology Using Soft Cyborg Techniques for Patients”UGC Care Journal (Purakala), ISSN: 0971-2143 Vol-31-Issue-04-April-2020
[5] Kalvina R, M. Rajavel , A. Samraj, “emergency gesture communication by patients elderly and differently abled with care takers using wearable data glove”
[6] KalvinaR, M. Rajavel , A. Samraj, “intact analysis of intra trials on assorted paradigms of gesture based communication systems”, international journal of engineering and technology (IJET) .
[7] L.K Simone, D.G kampre“Design considerations for a wearable monitor to measure finger posture “journal neuroengrehabil. Vol 2 page 5, 2005
[8] ShohelSayeed, S.Andrews , RosliBesar , and Loo Chu Kiong “ Forgery Detection in Dynamic Signature Verification by Entailing Principal Component Analysis “, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society , Volume 2007 , Article ID 70756 , 8 Pages , DOI :10.1155/2007/70756.
[9] assessed on 04/08/2017.
[10] Gentner, R. and Classen, J. (2009) ‘Development and evaluation of a low-cost sensor glove for assessment of human finger movements in neurophysiologic settings’, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 178. No. 1, pp.138–147.
[11] Heumer, G., Amor, H.B., Weber, M. and Jungm, B. (2007) ‘Grasp recognition with uncalibrated data gloves – a comparison of classification methods’, IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Dated March 10 – 14, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 1-4244-0906-3/07/$20.00
[12] Ibarguren, A., Maurtua, I. and Sierra, B. (2010) ‘Layered architecture for real time sign recognition: hand gesture and movement’, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Auburn, Washington, USA, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp.1216–1228.
[13] Kalvina, R., Samraj, A. and Maheswari, N. (2013) ‘Emergency communication interface design using wearable data gloves for weary patients’, International conference on Green High Performance Computing, Chunkankadai Nagercoil Tamilnadu India, DOI:10.1109/I.
[14] Kamel, N.S., Sayeed, S. and Ellis, G.A. (2008) ‘Glove-based approach to online signature verification’, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2008, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp.1109–1113.
[15] Oz, C., Sarawate, N.N. and Leu, M.C. (2004) ‘American sign language recognition with a sensory glove using artificial neural networks’, Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, ASME Press, Vol. 14, pp.633–638.
[16] Rajendran, K., Samraj, A. and Rajavel, M. (2013) ‘Emergency gesture communication by patients, elderly and differently abled with care takers using wearable data gloves’, Journal of Signal and Information Processing, Vol. 4, pp.1–9. DOI:10.4236/jsip.2013.41001.
[17] Samraj, A. and Rajendran, K. (2013) ‘Communication by gestures in personal emergency response system’, International Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, Dated 2013/9/13, Shillong Meghalaya INSPEC Accession Number: 13999912, pp.230–235. DOI: 10.1109/ ICETACS.2013.6691428.
[18] Samraj, A. and Selvaraj, K. (2017) ‘Burst detection in gesture reorganization for emergency communication using wearable data gloves’,International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT), Dated 25 & 26 October 2017 Al Ain, UAE
Received : 10 August 2021
Accepted : 14 December 2021
Published : 21 December 2021
DOI: 10.30726/esij/v8.i4.2021.84022