M. C. A. Nazar
Board Independent; Board of Directors; Firm Performance; ROA
The study investigates the effect of board independent on firm performance of Sri Lankan listed companies. This study employs a cross section analysis of 120 firms as sample of listed firms in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) for the financial year ending2019 and multivariate analyses are used to test the proposed hypothesis. The board independent variable being the independent variable and firm performance (ROA) variable being the dependent variable are confirmed under regression model. The results of the study display that board independence is negatively connected with ROA. Further, Board size and CEO duality are significantly negatively associated with ROA. Moreover, a control variable of firm size is significantly positively connected with ROA and leverage is negatively related with ROA though not significant. The findings of the study indicate mixed results which are in consistent with empirical evidence of developed nation.
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[2] Akbar, M.,Hussain, S., Ahmad, T., & Hassan, S. (2019) Corporate governance and firm performance in Pakistan: Dynamic Panel Estimation. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences, 12 (2).213-230.
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[13] Liu, Y., Miletkov, M. K., Wei, Z., & Yang, T. (2015).Board independence and firm performance in China.Journal of corporate Finance, 30, 223-244.
[14] O’Connell, V., & Cramer, N. (2010).The relationship between firm performance and board characteristics in Ireland. European Management Journal, 28(5), 387-399.
[15] Stiles, P. & Taylor, B. (2001) Boards at work: how directors view their roles and responsibilities. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
[16] Weir, L. & Laing.D. (2001). Governance structures, director independence and corporate performance in the U.K. European Business Review, 13(2), 86-94, 2001.
[17] Yermack, D. (1996). Higher market valuation of companies with a small board of directors. Journal of Financial Economics, 40(2), 185-211.
[18] Zubaidah, Z.A., Nurmala, M.K., & Kamaruzaman, J. (2009), Board structure and corporate performance in Malaysia, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 1(1), pp. 150-164.
Received : 13 February 2021
Accepted : 03 April 2021
Published : 08 April 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i2.2021.82007