Dr. Suesh Kumar Pandey
Culture Change; Indentured Labourers; Migration; Dowry; Caste System; Economic Achievements
The research paper aims at the indagation of the cultural changes for descendants of Indian indentured labourers in Fiji as comparison to Indians. It explores the aspects of living, traditional values, and workforce participation in both jurisdictions. It also enhances the different attributes of Indian culture en casting the cultural realm and the practices been reshaped in Fiji. The paper intends to systemically explain the differences between cultural and traditional characteristics of India’s culture and Indo-Fijian culture. The inclination of lifestyle towards westernization and modernization will also be highlighted which amplifies the aspect of change to time and necessities. The research methodology adopted by the researchers is mixed-method and the data collection was made through the use of a questionnaire. Conclusively, the study done commutates the thorough use of questionnaires. Conclusively, the study done commutates the shift in cultural aspects and its reorientation and traditional values among Indo-Fijian living in Fiji.
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[25] Delina, G. and Raya, R.P. (2016) ‘Dilemma of work-life balance in dual-career couples – a studyfrom the Indian perspective’, International Journal of Indian Culture and BusinessManagement, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp.1–27.
[26] Dimitrova, Y.(2019) ‘Corporate culture change management’, Economic Alternatives, No. 2, pp.296–312.
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[34] Ghosh, K. (2015) ‘Teaching and developing leadership in business schools: a multilevel evaluative approach in Indian context’, International. Journal Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp.178–192.
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[38] Girmit.Org. (n.d.) [online] (accessed 11 December 2018).
[39] Glancey, K., Greig, M. and Pettigrew, M. (1998) ‘Entrepreneurial dynamics in small businessservice firm’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, Vol. 4 No. 3,pp.249–268.
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[42] Graf, C.V. (2014) ‘Twice migrants’ relationship to their ancestral homeland: The case of Indo-Fijians and India’, The Journal of Pacific Studies, Vol. 27, No.2, pp.177–203.
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[51] Kalman, B. (2009) India: The Culture, 3rd ed., Crabtree Publishing Company, Canada.
[52] Kaur, G. and Kaur, M. (2016) ‘The study of components of culture: values, norms, material objects, language and culture change’, International Journal of Science Technology and Management, Vol. 5 No. 12.
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Accepted : 17 February 2021
Published : 23 February 2021
DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v8.i1.2021.81004
Reconcnciliation of Cultural in Fiji