Efficient Resource Scheduling for Cloud Computing Jobs with Sensitive Deadline Alerts

Abstract :

Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world to storing a huge amount of data. The tenants require from cloud providers whose consistency and network performance as an important object. To increase the income of the cloud provider and to get efficient use of cloud for the tenant, the concept of time sliding and bandwidth suggestion is proposed. The efficient resource utilization with deadline requirement and hard bandwidth of a job is guaranteed. Hence, bandwidth to the tenant is not guaranteed. To overcome this, we are using charging system and hard bandwidth guarantee. A tenant can con by requesting without need an additional resource than they actually required or by declaring a shortest job in deadline than the actual one. To overcome this, Dcloud provides a strategy proof charging system, here it support the tenants to present the actual job request and it provides final report analysis to the tenant about their usage. By reporting the slow down file, we add the essentially required resource to run the job to a certain extent and then store more resource to the requested job.

Authors: Snega Latha.S, Sridhar.S

Article : Efficient Resource Scheduling for Cloud Computing Jobs with Sensitive Deadline Alerts
